I was born in Jesi (Ancona) and then I decided to go in
Trieste to study Theoretical physics , because it was hard, but
really fascinating. After that I looked for a field of
research where my studies could be usefull to me and the
other people and I found it in economics.
I believe that the purpose of economics is to find the best
allocation of resources, while that of physics is the study of
natural systems. It is clear that the purpose that the
two disciplines want to reach in the study of social systems
are different, but nevertheless I think that more dialogue between
disciplines can bring the physics to development of new
analysis tools for the study of the the complexity oand
economics to achieve the lofty goals that want to reach.
In this sense it is necessary that both economists
and physicists study the two fields without academic
Research Interest
Minority Games
Boltzmann Learning
Stock Market
Statistical physics
Game Theory
Inference process
High frquency treading
marjet micro structure
complex systems