In order to guarantee the quality of the educational offerings, the IMT School adopts essential principles to ensure the quality of the educational program that are consistent with the European standards and guidelines the European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education and with the principle of cyclical process review.
In particular, the IMT School:
- monitors and evaluates student opinions with respect to single courses and to the Programs on a whole and the services that were offered therein, as the basis for the identification of potential critical issues and for the planning of corrective measures;
- encourages a constant and open dialogue with students through periodic meetings on specific arguments relative to the education offering and its integration with research;
- recognizes merit, identifying and valorizing the abilities of students and faculty, through selection and recruitment procedures that are transparent and in line with the highest international standards;
- respects and valorizes the heterogeneity of the students’ backgrounds, allowing for flexibility within the course planning when needed;
- annually monitors the data regarding the educational offerings and students’ research for planning (plan) and verification of expected results (check).
Attachment | Size |
Il sistema di rilevazione delle opinioni degli allievi e della loro soddisfazione | 900.12 KB |
Student Opinions and Satisfaction Survey System | 581.5 KB |