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Together with the two core missions focused on education (first mission, which is based on interaction with the students) and on scientific research (second mission, mainly in interaction with scientific communities or peers), the IMT School pursues its objectives within the scope of the Third Mission, through specific cultural and professional activities aimed at consolidating the School's role as a knowledge diffuser and cultural actor in a network of collaborations between the academic world, the civil society and the business world.

The School in the past years has entered into direct interaction with society and with subjects and social groups making itself available to types of interactions characterized by highly variable and context-dependent content and forms. In addition, the School promotes the economic exploitation of knowledge through the constitution of spin-off, the management of Intellectual property and the organization of technology transfer events.

The School belongs to the universities and public research organization in Tuscany that represent, in the national framework, a reference for the scientific and technological research excellence. The Regione Toscana supports the tuscan universities and public research bodies within the strengthening of research results transfer towards the market through technology transfer activities in the regional area.