The Neuroscience Lab is an initiative of the Intesa Sanpaolo Innovation Center which collaborates with the scientific partner IMT School for Advanced Studies Lucca. The Intesa Sanpaolo Innovation Center is a company of the Intesa Sanpaolo Group that deals with innovation even outside the traditional banking sector. The Neuroscience Lab of Intesa Sanpaolo Innovation Center is headquartered at the Intesa Sanpaolo’s skyscraper in Turin collaborating in Lucca with researchers from the IMT School For Advanced Studies Lucca.
The Neuroscience Lab of Intesa Sanpaolo Innovation Center integrates cognitive and behavioral profiling using significant analysis of psychometrics and psychophysiological data, in which privacy is secured by data anonymization, and, in combination with a more accurate neuroimaging analysis, provides valuable insights into humans’ actions and decisions. This innovative model supports the research on the effects of a variety of interventions rooted in an understanding of applied neuroscience and stimulus factors at the basis of human decision making.
Only through an integrated multidisciplinary approach, Neuroscience Lab of Intesa Sanpaolo Innovation Center is able to answer the scientific mechanisms and stiles involved in the human decision and learning processes within the following domains:
- Learning & Training
- Finance & Investments
- Marketing & Communication
- Human Resources
- Health & Safety
- Arts, Aesthetic & Cultural Heritage
The IMT School For Advanced Studies Lucca supports research and development of the Neuroscience Lab of Intesa Sanpaolo Innovation Center by providing devices for neurophysiological studies such as EEG (Emotiv -5 and -14 channels, CGX Quick-20 and Geodesic Sensor 64 channels), stress bracelet (Empatica E4), eye tracker (Tobii Pro Glasses and Livetrack Lightning), functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS - Nirxsport 2), virtual reality headsets (Oculus Go and Quest) and has access to the functional magnetic resonance (fMRI - 3T INGENIA SCANNER (PHILIPS) for brain imaging studies located at the Dipartimento Immagini della Fondazione Toscana “G. Monasterio”, Stabilimento "Ospedale del Cuore - G. Pasquinucci" di Massa.