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Tax Identification Number

What is the Tax Identification Number?
The Tax Identification Number (Codice Fiscale) is an individual tax identification code of 16 alphanumeric characters uniquely devised from an individual’s name, date and place of birth. All those living in Italy need to have their own. It cannot replace the Identity Document, but it allows public administrations to easily exchange information in Italy. It is often used in dealings with Public Administration and Local Authorities and for any financial transaction, e.g. the provision of the scholarship, opening a bank account, applying for the National Health Service - NHS, renting a flat, buying an Italian mobile phone card, etc.
Do I need to apply for the Tax Identification Number? How much does it cost?
If you are an EU or a non - EU student, you do need to apply for it. It is free of charge.
How can I apply for the Tax Identification Number before arriving in Italy?

You can obtain the Tax code applying for it at the Italian Embassy or Consulate of the country where you are living, as stated in the Invitation Letter prepared by the Campus Management and Front Office of IMT School ( in order to ask for your Study Visa. You have to take care to present the appropriate request form together with a copy of your identity document to the competent Consular Office. Please check the Consulate website in the country you reside to get more information.

Who can help me with the application of the Tax Identification Number once in Italy (if notrequested before)?
You can contact the Campus Management and Front Office of IMT School ( that will help you out with the application form filling (AA4/8) and submit it to the local Revenue Agency (Agenzia delle Entrate) which issues the Fiscal Code. EU citizens can apply for a tax code with their ID card; Extra-EU citizens with their passport, a valid visa and the residence permit or the receipt of sending the relevant application.
How can I get additional information about Tax Identification Number and Revenue Agency (Agenzia delle Entrate)?

For additional information, please visit the Revenue Agency's web site. If the Italian Fiscal Code is lost or stolen, its duplicate can be requested at the local Income Revenue Agency Office.