Third Workshop between IMT Lucca and University of Alicante25 May 2022Welcome remarks Prof. Rocco De Nicola - IMT School Rector Doctoral Theses with International Joint...
Advanced techniques for coordinate-based meta-analysis25 May 2022Coordinate-based meta-analysis (CBMA) is a statistical technique allowing to perform meta-analyses...
Confidence, Self-Selection and Bias in the Aggregate18 May 2022Economics experiments have produced widespread evidence that people suffer from a range of...
Software to create Software13 May 2022Current challenges for the future software industry include how to leverage emergent computing...
Propositions-as-Types and Stateful Computation10 May 2022Propositions-as-types (PaT) goes back to the functional interpretation of intuitionistic logic due...
Advanced techniques for coordinate-based meta-analysis10 May 2022Coordinate-based meta-analysis (CBMA) is a statistical technique allowing to perform meta-analyses...
Da Baghdad a Firenze: itinerari del sapere sulle orme di Alberto Magno. Seminario del gruppo PRIN in Storia della filosofia medievale6 May 2022Il seminario costituisce il primo esempio italiano di "reading group" riguardante il pensiero del...
University Graduates’ Early Career Decisions and Interregional Mobility: Self-Employment vs. Salaried Job5 May 2022We explore the relationship between university graduates’ early career decisions and their...
Two-stage stochastic standard quadratic optimization4 May 2022Two-stage stochastic decision problems are characterized by the property that in stage one part of...
Una ricostruzione della lunga storia delle teorie astronomiche delle maree29 April 2022Si ritiene in genere che la prima teoria scientifica delle maree sia quella di Newton. In questa...