Artificial Intelligence for Cultural Heritage27 April 2022The latest technological developments in the field of artificial intelligence are offering numerous...
Functional brain imaging in depression and psychedelic interventions26 April 2022I will talk about how neuroimaging techniques can help us understand brain dysfunction in major...
The hypothesis of the mind-object identity as a solution to the hard problem of consciousness20 April 2022Until now, neurosciences have not provided any explanation as to how and why neural activity...
Expanding university access: Lessons from the UK experience in 1960-2004 20 April 2022University access has greatly expanded during past decades and further growth figures prominently...
The Effect of Increasing Women's Autonomy on Primary and Repeated C-Sections in Brazil6 April 2022Caesarean section (C-section) rates continue to rise globally. Yet, there is little consensus about...
A history carved in stones: multi-scale approaches for surface texture analysis4 April 2022Stone implements have been used since the early stages of humankind as tools for processing...
Restart of accelerated first-order methods and the implementation of MPC in embedded systems28 March 2022In this seminar we present results in two different but closely related topics. The first part is...
Incentives, Framing, and Trust in AI: An experimental study23 March 2022We examine how compensation contract design and algorithm framing influence decision makers’...
Da Lucrezio a Natta: un viaggio tra scienza, arte e letteratura21 March 2022La scienza è sempre stata ispiratrice di artisti, pittori, scultori, musicisti, poeti e scrittori...