I am a PhD candidate at IMT Lucca in Computer Decision and Systems Science (XVIII Cycle).
My research is mainly focused on the development of machine learning methods. In particular I'm studying the application of graph-based techniques in semi-supervised learning field and control theory under the supervision of Prof. Giorgio Gnecco
I studied Mathematics at University of Bologna where I received my M.Sc. in 2011 working on a thesis on pattern recognition techniques applied to Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Images. My supervisors were Prof. Elena Loli Piccolomini and Prof. Nico Lanconelli.
I also received my B.Sc in Mathematics at University of Bologna in 2009 with a thesis concerning the application of mathematical methods to physical phenomenon under the supervision of Prof. Emanuela Caliceti.
Journal Papers
- G. Gnecco, R. Morisi, G. Roth, M. Sanguineti, A. C. Taramasso, “Supervised and semi-supervised classifiers for the detection of flood-prone areas”, Soft Computing (submitted).
- G. Gnecco, R. Morisi, A. Bemporad, “Sparse solutions to the average consensus problem via various regularizations of the fastest mixing Markov-chain problem”. IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering, vol. 2, n. 3, pp. 97-111, 2015. link
- R. Morisi, B. Donini, N. Lanconelli, J. Rosengarden, J. Morgan, S. Harden, and N. Curzen, "Semi-automated Scar Detection in Delayed Enhanced Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Images", International Journal of Modern Physics C (IJMPC), vol. 26 n. 1, 2015. link
- C. Rusu, R. Morisi, D. Boschetto, R. Dharmakumar, and S. A. Tsaftaris, "Synthetic Generation of Myocardial Blood-Oxygen-Level-dependent MRI Time Series Via Structural Sparse Decomposition Modeling", IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, vol.33 n.7 pp. 1422-1433, 2014. link
Conference Papers
G. Gnecco, A. Bemporad, R. Morisi, M. Gori, M. Sanguineti, "Online learning as an LQG optimal control problem with random matrices". Proceedings of IEEE ECC 2015 (to appear)
- R. Morisi, G. Gnecco, N. Lanconelli, S. Zanigni, D. N. Manners, C. Testa, S. Evangelisti, L. L. Gramegna, C. Bianchini, P. Cortelli, C. Tonon, R. Lodi, "Binary and multi-class Parkinsonian disorders classification using Support Vector Machines", Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 9117, pp. 379-386, Springer (2015)
- G. Gnecco, R. Morisi, and A. Bemporad, "Sparse Solutions to the Average Consensus Problem via l1-norm Regularization of the Fastest Mixing Markov-Chain Problem". Proceedings of the 53rd Annual Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), IEEE pp. 2228-2233. ISBN 978-1-4799-7746-8 (2014)
- R. Morisi, R. Dharmakumar, and S. A. Tsaftaris, "Unsupervised Ischemia Detection at Rest with CP-BOLD Cardiac MRI: A Simulation Study Employing Independent Component Analysis". Presented for the International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM) Meeting, Milan, May 2014. Magna Cum Laude Award received. link
- L. Lara-Rodriguez, S. Vera, F. Perez, N. Lanconelli, R. Morisi, B.Donini, et al., "Supervised Learning Modelization and Segmentation of Cardiac Scar in Delayed Enhanced MRI". Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Volume 7746, 2013, Statistical Atlases and Computational Models of the Heart, Imaging and Modelling Challenges (STACOM 2012). link
- L. Lara-Rodriguez, S. Vera, F. Perez, N. Lanconelli, R. Morisi, et al., "Cardiac scar detection, segmentation and quantification in MRI images for ICD treatment planning", International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery, vol 7, s.1 (Proceedings of CARS 2012, Pisa, Italy), 2012