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Joint Ethical Committee

The Joint Ethical Committee for Research of Scuola Normale Superiore and Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna was established to meet the authorization requirements for conducting research experiments, carried out by researchers from Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna, Scuola Normale Superiore and Scuola IMT Alti Studi Lucca, on human subjects, when not of a clinical nature, as required by the European Union for the scientific projects it finances and to meet the standards of the scientific journals in the sector.
The Committee is called upon to express its opinion in ethical matters on the research/experimentation carried out by the scientific personnel of the Schools, and assesses the ways in which the said research/experimentation is conducted regarding the protection of the subjects involved.
Hence the exclusion of experiments that fall within the competence of the Comitato Etico di Area Vasta Nord Ovest (the Ethical Committee of the Outer North West Area) (CEAVNO), that is to say, in addition to clinical experimentation on medicinal drugs, any other issue connected to the use of medicines and medicinal devices, or to the use of surgical and clinical procedures or those relating to the study of foodstuffs on human beings.

Who can submit a request for an ethical opinion?

A request for an ethical opinion may be submitted by the head of a research project provided he/she is an employee of, affiliated with or a collaborator of the Scuola Normale, the Scuola Sant'Anna or the Scuola IMT, with a contract of a duration at least equal to that of the project presented.

How to submit a request for an ethical opinion
Those wishing to submit a request for an ethical opinion on the part of the scientific personnel of the IMT School should download and complete the form available at the intranet page of the School, print it out and send it to e-mail address, together with all the documentation requested, in Italian or in English, keeping to the numbering indicated.

Guidelines and documentations for the protocols’ submission are available in the intranet. For info contact:


    Ethics Committee - President

    Francesca Torelli


    Gianfranco Adornato
    050 509666

    Francesco Cardarelli
    050 509698

    Michele Emdin
    050 883738

    Arianna Menciassi
    050 883418

    Prof.ssa Caterina Sganga
    050 883543

    Emiliano Ricciardi 
    0583 4326 711


    In accordance with Art. 8 of the RULES OF PROCEDURE OF THE JOINT ETHICS COMMITTEE FOR RESEARCH, the Joint Ethics Committee meets every two months and, in any case, as often as necessary to comply with the timeframe (indicated in the Rules of Procedure, art. 3, c3) for issuing opinions, which is approximately once a month; it is therefore noted that the timeframe for issuing opinions and approving research protocols is approximately 30-60 days.