Marco Modica

Marco Modica studied economics at the University of Palermo and at IMT Lucca School for Advanced Studies, where he\'s attending his PHD program. His recent research focuses on the empirical analysis of city size distribution between countries with particular  attention  for  localization  problems  for  both  residential  and  industrial  activities,  with applications in Regional & Urban Economics. A novel perspective includes the use of these models to understand the formation, transmission and persistence of hierarchical structure of a system of cities, as well as their interaction with institutions, economic structure’s characteristics and standard economic incentives.
His main research interests lie in Applied Economic Theory, Regional and Urban Economics and Spatial Econometrics. 
Working Paper:
[1] Fazio, G. and Modica, M. (2012),  Pareto or log-normal? A recursive-truncation approach to the distribution of (all) cities

[2] Modica, M. (2009), Un\'Analisi empirica sulla consistenza dei Moody\'s Credit Ratings (in italian only) 


Ongoing Research:

[1] Modica, M. 2013. Does the EU have a homogeneous urban structure area? The role of agglomeration and the impact of (hypothetical) shocks on the EU urban structure. 

[2] Modica, M. and A. Reggiani. 2013. Alternative Interpretation of Regional Resilience: Evidence from Italy.

[3] Modica, M., A. Reggiani and P. Nijkamp. 2012. Are Gibrat and Zipf Monozygotic or Heterozygotic Twins? A Comparative Analysis of Means and Variances in Complex Urban Systems.

[4] Modica, M. 2012. Un modello economico per la valutazione dell\'impatto dei documenti di indirizzo sulla riduzione di gas inquinanti sulla domanda e oerta di energia.



University of Bologna. Are Gibrat and Zipf Monozygotic or Heterozygotic Twins? A Comparative Analysis of Means and Variances in Complex Urban Systems. (Bologna [Italy], 07-08 May 2013). 


Conference and Workshop

(forthcoming) XXXIV Conferenza scientica annuale AISRe (Palermo [Italy], 2-3 September 2013)

(forthcoming) 53rd European Regional Science Association Congress, ERSA (Palermo [Italy], 2-3 September 2013) 

59th Annual North American Meetings of the Regional Science Association International, November (Ottawa [Canada], 7-10 November 2012) 

Giornate Palermitane di Studi Economici (Ficuzza [Italy], 15-16 June 2012) 

9th World Congress of Regional Science Association International, Changing spatial patterns in a globalising world (Timisoara [Romania], 9-12 May 2012)


Research Interest

Urban Economics, Regional Science, Spatial Econometrics, Law and Economics, Applied Economics