Theoretical, numerical and experimental methods for mechanics of granular matter

1 Visiting Professor position
(Deadline May 28th, 2024 13:00 )
Researcher with experience in solid mechanics and mechanics of materials, with special focus on theoretical, numerical and experimental methods for the characterization, simulation and testing of compacted granular matter, in tension and in compression.
An excellent track record of international cooperations and coordination of research projects is requested, along with supervision experience of doctoral students.  IMT School promotes equal opportunities in an inclusive environment, where English is the official language for the scientific activities.
Research seminars on topics related to methods for the theoretical interpretation, the numerical simulation and the experimental testing of compacted granular matter and topics related to failure analysis of materials with microstructrures. Scientific cooperation with PhD students and researchers of the research unit MUSAM in relation to the technological problem of compaction of paper sludge and its mechanical resistance, a key topic for the paper industrial district of Lucca. Contribution to research and PhD education programmes at the IMT School for Advanced Studies Lucca,  with special regard to mechanics of materials, elasto-plasticity and fracture mechanics theories.
The activities can be carried out in person and/or from remote.
1 month
Gross amount
5.400 €
Formal requirements
  • Ph.D. degree in mechanical engineering, structural mechanics, or related areas or equivalent;
  • excellent record of high-impact international publications, international collaborations and coordination of research projects;
  • experience in structural dynamics, material instabilities, material modelling, elasto-plasticity, experimental mechanics, homogenization theory.
  • excellent knowledge of both written and spoken English.


Applications must be submit through PICA website only using the link at the bottom of this page.

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Job Research Unit: 
Job Contract Type: 
Contratto di lavoro autonomo


Apply ONLINE only.
Before starting prepare the application attachments and information as listed below.


  • Personal info and contact info (compulsory)


  • Your CV in English (compulsory)