Security Testing, Modeling, and Verification of Dedicated Security Devices

Titolo in italiano: Testing, modellazione e verifica di proprietà di sicurezza di dispositivi dedicati alla sicurezza

1 Research Collaborator position
(Deadline September 6th, 2024 13:00 )


Formal Methods, Cryptographic Protocols, Formal verification



The candidate is expected to carry out research concerning security testing and analysis of protocols and computing systems using on formal methods. The candidate is expected to have a good knowledge of relevant topics in security and formal methods.




The successful candidate will work on the MUR PRIN 2022 AMADEUS project. The goal of the project is to define a specification and verification methodology for dedicated security devices. The successful candidate will design and develop techniques to obtain a formal model directly from the devices implementation, and then verify that they meet a set of security requirements.

Formal requirements


  • Master's Degree in Computer Science, in Computer Engineering or a closely related field, obtained in Italy or abroad, with a focus on security;
  • Good knowledge of both spoken and written English;


Specific requirements


  • A good background in cryptographic algorithms and protocols, or in formal methods, model checking, or automated verification technique;
  • Excellent programming skills.

1 year

Gross amount

€ 36.000,00 per year


INFO-01/A Informatics - IINF-05/A Information Processing Systems


PRIN 2022 PNRR “AMADEUS: Automatic Modelling and verificAtion of Dedicated sEcUrity deviceS” (codice UGOV: P0333; Codice MUR: P2022EPPHM; CUP: D53D23017420001) finanziato dall’Unione europea – Next Generation EU M4C2 investimento 1.1.

Job Research Area: 
Job Research Unit: 
Job Contract Type: 
Assegno di ricerca


Apply ONLINE only.
Before starting prepare the application attachments and information as listed below.


  • Personal info and contact info (compulsory)
  • Number of your Identity Document (Passport or Identity Card) (compulsory)
  • University degree and ongoing PhD (compulsory)


  • Your CV in English (compulsory)