Analysis of breakthrough innovations in the phramaceutical sector through a complex network approach

Titolo in italiano: Studio delle innovazioni radicali nel settore farmaceutico mediante un approccio di reti complesse

1 Research Collaborator position
(Deadline July 19th, 2024 13:00 )

Patents citations, Innovations, Complex Networks



The AXES research unit is looking for a full-time Research Collaborator in the area of patent citations, innovations and complex networks. The ideal candidates are researchers with a background in network theory and statistical explorative analysis. Previous experiences in conducting interdisciplinary research is considered a plus. The candidate is expected to be familiar with statistical packages (e.g., Stata, R), programming tools (e.g., Python, Matlab) and qualitative data analysis. Candidates should have strong communication skills, a demonstrated capacity or potential for high-quality research, and a team-oriented attitude. Above all, we are seeking a highly passionate, committed and collaborative candidate.




The selected candidate will work within the PRIN project "The Role of the Public and Private Sectors in Pharmaceutical Breakthrough Innovations " that aims at providing novel insights on the determinants of the commercial success of some of the breakthrough innovations  throughout (i) robust econometric methods and (ii) network theory approaches applied to the network of patent citations in order to investigate the relevance of factors such as the role of the public and private sectors, the demand conditions, the main subjects. The selected candidate will be mainly involved in the development of the point (ii) of the project deeply investigating the structure of the patent citations network and its over time evolution with particular attention to the role of private and public sectors.

Formal requirements


  • Master Degree in Economics, Statistics, Physics or a related field;
  • Ph.D. in Economics, Statistics, Physics or a related field;
  • The candidate must have a curriculum with a suitable scientific background for carrying out research activity;
  • An excellent level of both written and spoken English is mandatory
Specific requirements


  • Knowledge of Matlab or Python.

1 year, renewable

Gross amount

€ 23,000.00 per year


ECON-02/A - Economic Policy



PRIN 2022 “The Role of the Public and Private Sectors in Pharmaceutical Breakthrough Innovations (3PBI)” (codice UGOV: P0319; Codice MUR: 2022S4EAS9; CUP: D53D23006680006) finanziato dall’Unione europea – Next Generation EU M4C2 investimento 1.1.

Job Research Unit: 
Job Contract Type: 
Assegno di ricerca
Full call


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Apply ONLINE only.
Before starting prepare the application attachments and information as listed below.


  • Personal info and contact info (compulsory)
  • Number of your Identity Document (Passport or Identity Card) (compulsory)
  • University degree and ongoing PhD (compulsory)


  • Your CV in English (compulsory)