Federico Nutarelli was born in Pietrasanta (Lucca), Italy. From 2017, he is a Ph.D. student in Economics, Networks, and Business Analytics at the IMT - School for Advanced Studies, Lucca, working in the Analysis of compleX Economic Systems (AXES) research unit. He is a Teaching Assistant (TA) at the same school where he taught in the course of "Applied Data Science". From 2015 to 2016, he collaborated with the Italian National Institute of Statistics (ISTAT). Since 2018, he is a member of the INdAM (National Institute for Advanced Mathematics) in the GNAMPA Unit and of the local Research Unit of INdAM at IMT - Lucca. He took part as a lecturer at several conferences including the 5th Int. Conf. on Machine Learning, Optimization & Data science (LOD,2019).
In 2021 he was winner of th research fellowship “Analisi dell’innovazione in ambito biotecnologico e di valorizzazione delle terapie avanzate" in collaboration with Roche Italy.
He received the "Laurea" (M.Sc.) degree (5 years) cum laude in Economics at the University of Pisa-Sant'Anna School of Advanced Studies in 2017. He also took part in Summer School courses including:
Summer School at TU Wien in "Machine Learning Methods and Data Analytics in Risk and Insurance" (VISS2018).
SIDE Summer School in "Machine Learning Algorithms for Econometricians" in Bertinoro.
For more information, see the updated cv (containing also a list of publications), the profile on Researchgate, and a list of citations on Scopus and Google Scholar (link Website).
Research Interest
Current research interests include broadly statistics, machine learning theory and applications, big data, health economics, the economics of complex systems, and optimization applied to economics.