28 May 2012
Ex Boccherini - Piazza S. Ponziano 6 (Conference Room )
We develop two different social network models with different economic foundations. In the local-aggregate model, it is the sum of friends' efforts in some activity
that affects the utility of each individual while, in the local-average model, it is costly to
deviate from the average effort of friends. Even though the two models are fundamentally different in terms of behavioral foundation, their implications in terms of Nash
equilibrium are relatively close since only the adjacency (social interaction) matrix differs in equilibrium, one being the row-normalized version of the other. We test these alternative mechanisms of social interactions to study peer effects in education, sport
and screen activities for adolescents in the United States using the AddHealth data.
We extend Kelejians (2008) J test for spatial econometric models helping differentiate between these two behavioral models. We find that peer effects are not significant for
screen activities (like e.g. video games). On the contrary, for sport activities, we find
that students are mostly influenced by the aggregate activity of their friends (local-
aggregate model) while, for education, we show that both the aggregate performance at school of friends and conformism matter, even though the magnitude of the effect
is higher for the latter.
Patacchini, Eleonora - Università degli Studi di Roma - La Sapienza - Roma