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Data Science for Impact Evaluation Webinar

8 July 2020
10:20 am

Google Meet:

IMT School for Advanced Studies Lucca (Italy) and the Leuven Economics of Education Research Center of KU Leuven (Belgium) in collaboration with ARTES 4.0 jointly organize a webinar series on data science techniques for impact and policy evaluation.

In recent years, the ability of machines to solve increasingly more complex tasks has grown exponentially. The availability of learning algorithms that deal with tasks such as facial and voice recognition, automatic driving, and fraud detection (among the others) makes the various applications of artificial intelligence and data science a hot topic not just in the specialised literature but also in the media outlets. However, the bulk of data science studies resolves in application of new technologies to predictive tasks. The goal of this webinar series is to explore how data science techniques can be used and adapted to assess the impact of natural events, public policies, private interventions and so on. Ultimately the question that our speakers will (try to) address is: can the application of new data science tools in a causal perspective boost our understanding of the world and improve the way policy-makers and stakeholders design their interventions?

Fabrizia Mealli, University of Florence and Florence Center for Data Science
Chris Van Klaveren, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
Massimo Riccaboni, IMT School
Rachel C. Nethery, Harvard University
Falco J. Bargagli Stoffi, IMT School and KU Leuven

For more information on the webinar topics, the detailed program and to proceed with the registration to the event, visit this link