Assistant Prof. Lucia Bonfreschi awarded with the Sissco Opera Prima 2015 Prize

20 ottobre 2015
"Raymond Aron and Gaullism, 1940-1969" by Lucia Bonfreschi. In her work Lucia Bonfreschi, Assistant Professor at IMT Lucca, has comparatively analyzed two major subjects both historiographycally remarkable and of considerable complexity: the Gaullist phenomenon on one hand, and the thought of Raymond Aron on another. Bonfreschi's analysis, developed over an extensive research period, is based on a considerable amount of archival material that the author has been able to read with outstanding interpretative finesse. What emerges is an extremely detailed and thorough historical overview of French political and cultural life after the Second World War, uniting both institutional issues and international politics. The depth of her research, the broad documentary base used and the quality of the interpretations are the main reasons for which Bonfreschi's work was awarded with the Sissco Opera Prima 2015 Prize.