Finite element technologies and high performance computing for materials and structures

1 Visiting Professor position
(Deadline June 8th, 2023 13:00 )
Researcher with experience in finite element technologies and high performance computing for advanced applications to materials and structures. The researcher should demonstrate from his/her CV and list of publications a wide experience on finite element technologies, modelling and simulation of shells structures and composite materials, failure analysis techniques including fracture and damage mechanics. The researcher should also demonstrate an outstanding track record of research projects and collaborations with leading universities and research centres worldwide.
Research seminars for researchers and PhD students of the IMT School on finite element technologies and high performance computing for the simulation of the mechanical response of composite materials and structrures, with special focus on shell structures. Cooperation with the staff of the research unit MUSAM on ongoing research activities related to the project PRO3 "Scientific computing for natural sciences, social sciences, and applications: methodological and technological development". We request also a contribution to research and PhD education programmes at the IMT School for Advanced Studies Lucca.
If needed, the activities can be carried out from remote using videoconference tools.
1 month
Gross amount
4.300 €
“Calcolo scientifico per le scienze naturali, sociali e applicazioni: sviluppo metodologico e tecnologico” - CUP D67G22000130001 - codice progetto P0238
Formal requirements
  • a PhD in mechanical engineering, structural mechanics, or related areas;
  • candidates must have an excellent record of high-impact international publications and a documented experience at the international level;
  • candidates should demonstrate experience in finite element technologies and high performance computing;
  • excellent knowledge of both spoken and written English.
Job Research Unit: 
Job Contract Type: 
Contratto di lavoro autonomo
Full call


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Apply ONLINE only.
Before starting prepare the application attachments and information as listed below.


  • Personal info and contact info (compulsory)


  • Your CV in English (compulsory)