A universal law of species abundance correlations reveals the dominant role of environmental fluctuations in microbial communities.20 dicembre 2024Microbial communities are found throughout the biosphere, from human guts to glaciers, and from...
Unlocking Critical Periods. Biological basis and reversibility19 dicembre 2024Our lab explores how brain functions are shaped by early life experience, identifying pivotal roles...
Progress towards reconstructing the global firm-level supply network.18 dicembre 2024We have estimated that there are about 300m firms and 13b supply chain links between them. Some of...
PhD Thesis Defense - Economics, Networks and Business Analytics16 dicembre 2024Na Liu - Algorithmic management and wellbeing at work
Workshop “Archivi in Rete”13 dicembre 2024Workshop “Archivi in Rete” This workshop delves into the multifaceted topic of photographic...
Conference on Principles of Distributed Systems | OPODIS 202411 dicembre 2024The 28th International Conference on Principles of Distributed Systems will take place from...
Presentazione del libro HOMO IMAGINIFICUS: Sogni e visioni nella storia dell’arte dal Paleolitico superiori al Rinascimento6 dicembre 2024Presentazione del libro "HOMO IMAGINIFICUS Sogni e visioni nella storia dell’arte dal Paleolitico...
PhD Thesis Defense - Cognitive, Computational and Social Neurosciences5 dicembre 2024Afroditi Giannakopoulou - Understanding Emotions: The Evolution of Affective Neuroscience and a...
International Conference Iconography 20244 dicembre 2024The conference will be held at the IMT School for Advanced Studies Lucca from 4 to 6 December 2024...
BrainHack 20242 dicembre 2024The 2nd edition of BrainHack Lucca will take place at the IMT School from Monday 2 to Thursday 5...
A spasso per Lucca ascoltando i podcast della Scuola IMT30 novembre 2024Cosa può svelarci la facciata di un edificio? Quali racconti nascondono le parole incise su una...
Nuove metodologie per lo studio del sonno e dell’attività onirica28 novembre 2024Workshop satellite del congresso annuale della Società Italiana di Medicina del Sonno (AIMS), che...
Selecting subpopulations for causal inference in regression discontinuity designs27 novembre 2024Abstract. The Brazil Bolsa Familia program is a conditional cash transfer program aimed to reduce...
System-theory for battery fast-charging: informative experiments and model-free control in monotone systems26 novembre 2024As the demand for faster, more efficient charging of lithium-ion batteries in electric vehicles...
Ecological networks: a window on our changing planet26 novembre 2024Ecological networks provide a compact representation of species interactions. As such they are a...
IMT Workshop on Behavioral and Experimental Economics25 novembre 20249.30 am STUDENTS' PRESENTATIONS Andrea Albertazzi : Taming the Tap: Behavioral Interventions for...
Brain-circuit biomarkers for precision psychiatry of depression and anxiety22 novembre 2024There is a need for biomarkers that reflect the pathophysiological processes underlying depression...
Inaugurazione Anno Accademico 2024-202518 novembre 2024Chiesa di San Francesco - Piazza San Francesco, Lucca ore 11.00 INDIRIZZI DI SALUTO PROLUSIONE DEL...
Public Information and Financial Institutions’ Investments12 novembre 2024We study whether institutional equity investors in the euro area follow public signals, using...
How and Why There Is so Much Gender in AI11 novembre 2024This talk theorizes the wide array of ways that gender and sex interact with machine learning (ML)...
A hybrid systems framework for data-based adaptive control of linear time-varying systems30 ottobre 2024In this talk, we consider the data-driven stabilization of discrete-time linear time-varying...
Lucca Comics&Games 202430 ottobre 2024La Scuola IMT Alti Studi Lucca parteciperà come Scientific Partner ufficiale di Lucca Comics and...
PhD Thesis Defense - Cognitive, Computational and Social Neurosciences29 ottobre 2024Damiana Bergamo - Beyond the cortex: cerebral hemodynamic changes associated with NREM sleep slow...
PhD Thesis Defense - Cognitive, Computational and Social Neurosciences28 ottobre 2024Erica Ordali - An Essay on the Emergence of Non-pathological Aggressive-like Behaviors in the...
Identifying Sign- and Goal-Tracking Phenotypes in Human Reward Processing: Neural Correlates of Incentive Salience25 ottobre 2024Reward processing in humans has been extensively studied by examining brain activity during reward...
PhD Thesis Defense - Cognitive, Computational and Social Neurosciences25 ottobre 2024Elisa Morgana Cappello - “On the conceptualisation and forecasting of emotion dynamics in healthy...
Analysis of Post-quantum cryptographic protocols25 ottobre 2024The National Institute of Standards and Technologies launched the Post-Quantum Cryptography project...
Modelling fatigue strength of metal parts, obtained with both traditional and additively manufacturing, taking into consideration the plasticity, and the effects of the pores and the roughness combined with the notch effect.24 ottobre 2024In this presentation a brief recall is provided on the recent progresses in modelling the fatigue...
PhD Thesis Defense - Computer Science and Systems Engineering24 ottobre 2024Francis John - “Computational Mechanics Framework for Simulations and Prediction of Wear in...
PhD Thesis Defense - Analysis and Management of Cultural Heritage23 ottobre 2024Di Lin - “ The Transmission, Transformation and Cultural Adaptation of the Heracles Imagery from...
PhD Thesis Defense - Analysis and Management of Cultural Heritage22 ottobre 2024Derya Acuner - “ Textile Practices As Memory Making: Weaving Bonds Between The Past, Present and...
The Continuous Presence of the Past: Materializing and Personifying History in Madagascar18 ottobre 2024History and heritage are materialized in architecture and objects, but they can also be personified...
Open Lab, Mid-Term Results presentation meeting18 ottobre 2024The “Open Lab, Mid-Term Results Presentation Meeting” is a gathering where researchers present the...
PhD Thesis Defense - Economics, Networks and Business Analytics18 ottobre 2024Pablo Marcos Prieto - Essays on Conflict, Aggressivity and Punishment
PhD Thesis Defense - Economics, Networks and Business Analytics18 ottobre 2024Victor Ortiz Giménez - “Brexit, Trade Disruptions, and Export Recommendations”
Sequential Synthetic Difference in Differences16 ottobre 2024We study the estimation of treatment effects of a binary policy in environments with a staggered...
TOFFEe: TOols for Fighting FakEs 15 ottobre 2024Join us for the final meeting session of the multidisciplinary PAI project TOFFEe (TOols for...
From Afghanistan to European Auction houses: the smuggling and sale of stolen manuscripts. 14 ottobre 2024The seminar will first survey the historical losses of manuscripts in recent times and the current...
PhD Thesis Defense - Cognitive, Computational and Social Neurosciences11 ottobre 2024Davide Coraci - “The Problem of Reverse Inference: Philosophical Models and Neuroscientific Methods”
Developments in Code Generation with CVXPY11 ottobre 2024We introduce CVXPYgen, a tool for generating custom C code, suitable for embedded applications,...
Critique of pure Bayesian cognitive science11 ottobre 2024Bayesian approaches to human cognition have been extensively advocated in the last decades, but...
Embedded Convex Optimization for Control10 ottobre 2024Control policies that involve the real-time solution of one or more convex optimization problems...
Viscoplastic fluids of De-Kèe-Turcotte type. Poiseuille and Couette Flows.9 ottobre 2024We consider the flow of a De-Kèe-Turcotte viscoplastic fluid in two configurations: planar...
Babies lead the way - what infant research brings to our understanding of vowel perception8 ottobre 2024Vowels are produced and perceived very early in infancy and occupy a central role in speech...
Trustworthy, reliable and responsible AI: a conceptual quagmire4 ottobre 2024The notion of Trustworthy AI (TAI) has become increasingly pivotal in academic and public...
Populations, Ecosystems, and their fluctuations: a network approach3 ottobre 2024Natural ecosystems consist of a myriad of different types of organisms that, through their...
PhD Thesis Defense - Economics, Networks and Business Analytics2 ottobre 2024Stefania Miricola - “Essay on Geography of Production”
Trustworthy AI and Decision-Making: A Rule-Based Approach2 ottobre 2024AI systems are becoming increasingly integral to sectors such as healthcare, transportation,...
Can a single model account for both risky choices and inter-temporal choices? Testing the assumptions underlying models of risky intertemporal choice: A conceptual replication2 ottobre 2024Luckman et al. (2018) experimentally tested the conjecture that a single model of risky...
Successful Atonement? Victims of the Second World War and their Experiences with German Compensation1 ottobre 2024Germany has paid reparations and compensation for racial persecution and war crimes since 1945, and...
Large language models, behaviour and cognition: Making sense of the new black boxes with old tricks (hands-on session)27 settembre 2024Artificial intelligence models have increased in sophistication in the past few years, and large...
BRIGHT-NIGHT 2024 | La Notte Europea delle Ricercatrici e dei Ricercatori27 settembre 2024La Notte delle Ricercatrici e dei Ricercatori è un evento che si svolge ogni anno l’ultimo venerdì...
Large language models, behaviour and cognition: Making sense of the new black boxes with old tricks (theorichal session)26 settembre 2024Artificial intelligence models have increased in sophistication in the past few years, and large...
Fifth workshop between IMT School and University of Alicante25 settembre 2024WELCOME AND INTRODUCTION Prof. Francesco Serti (IMT School) Doctoral Theses with International...
PhD Thesis Defense - Economics, Networks and Business Analytics20 settembre 2024Giulio Virginio Clemente - The Maximum Entropy Principle for Temporal and Ecological Networks:...
Dynamics and GNC for autonomous proximity operation in the lunar space18 settembre 2024The seminar addresses the complex nonlinear dynamics of the Earth-Moon system, focusing on state-of...
POLARIS: A framework to guide the development of Trustworthy AI systems18 settembre 2024In the ever-expanding landscape of Artificial Intelligence (AI) ensuring that AI systems are...
The Missing Entrepreneurs: Do Equity Investors Respond Differently to Entrepreneurs with Physical Disabilities?18 settembre 2024Understanding if and why some groups of entrepreneurs experience larger funding gaps than others...
Optimisation-Based Domain Decomposition Algorithms for Fluid-Structure Interaction Problems17 settembre 2024Fluid-Structure Interaction (FSI) problems, which describe the dynamic interplay between a fluid...
Economic Model Predictive Control for Periodic Operation: A Quadratic Programming Approach.16 settembre 2024Periodic dynamical systems, distinguished by their repetitive behaviour over time, are prevalent...
A Sequential MIQP Algorithm for Solving MINLP arising in Optimal Control12 settembre 2024Nonlinear optimal control problems are often addressed by direct methods. These typically result in...
PhD Thesis Defense - Computer Science and Systems Engineering12 settembre 2024Rakesh Kumar Tota - "Numerical Modeling and Optimization of Fractured Structures via Machine...
PhD Thesis Defense - Cognitive, Computational and Social Neurosciences11 settembre 2024Demetrio Grollero - “Exploring the Behavioral and Neural Underpinnings of Nonverbal Affective...
New methods and theories for promoting pro-environmental behaviours: A social marketing approach in the context of water conservation.4 settembre 2024This seminar will present three studies that form part of the funded research project titled “New...
Reinforcement Learning Algorithms for IoT communications over uncoordinated access channels22 luglio 2024With the Internet of Things (IoTs), we intend any system of multiple devices able to collect and...
Application and industrialization of energy efficient predictive power split for hybrid powertrains22 luglio 2024Modern vehicles are equipped with increasingly advanced control systems that go beyond traditional...
Dynamic plastic localization and fragmentation of porous printed metals: impact experiments and multiscale modeling10 luglio 2024Understanding damage, localization, and fracture in ductile solids and structures subjected to high...
Fracture response of inelastic shells: a phase field approach9 luglio 2024Shells are present in many engineering applications with a strong impact on current technological...
Uncertainty and Games9 luglio 2024Many real-life problems can be described by a collection of interacting agents making decisions in...
Constructive characterisations of the must-preorder for asynchrony9 luglio 2024De Nicola and Hennessy’s must-preorder is a contextual refinement which states that a server q...
Automotive Computer Control Systems: a retrospective on the past 40+ years9 luglio 2024This talk, based on the 2023 ASME Oldenburger Medal lecture, will survey developments in automotive...
PhD Graduation Ceremony 20245 luglio 2024WELCOME REMARKS GRADUATION ADDRESS Rocco De Nicola Rector, IMT School for Advanced Studies Lucca...
IMT SAA Annual Reunion 5 luglio 2024La Student Alumni and Association della Scuola IMT è lieta di invitare tutti i suoi membri a...
Iconogramma. Per una filologia delle immagini4 luglio 2024Il seminario riprende e intreccia i fili della riflessione critica sulla relazione testo/immagine...
PhD Thesis Defense - Cognitive, Computational and Social Neurosciences4 luglio 2024Alessandro Pigoni - Stratification of first episode psychosis based on clinical and neurobiological...
Computers and controls: two parallel stories that need to converge3 luglio 2024The seminar will discuss the relationships between the Systems and Control and the Computer...
The third meeting of the Network (NESCI3)2 luglio 2024The Network for Statistical and Causal Inference ( NESCI ) was founded in 2022 to promote the...
3D heritage in the AI era26 giugno 2024Il talk presenterà una review delle soluzioni di rilievo e modellazione 3D nel settore dei beni...
Exploring the Impact of Digital Technologies on Cultural Heritage and Humanities Research24 giugno 2024This presentation explores the impact of new technologies (especially Artificial Intelligence) on...
Non-Cooperative Multilayer Network Formation (joint with Zhiwei Cui)19 giugno 2024We study a model of non-cooperative network formation where players have to choose among identical...
PhD Thesis Defense - Economics, Networks and Business Analytics17 giugno 2024Chiara Bellucci - Essays in International Trade: competition, uncertainty and digitalization in a...
Brain substrates induced by DMT relate to sympathetic output and meaningfulness of the experience13 giugno 2024N, N-Dimethyltryptamine (DMT) is a serotonergic psychedelic, known to rapidly induce short-lasting...
Second Secure Software From First Principles Workshop del Progetto SERICS - Spoke 613 giugno 2024The complexity of software systems requires security to be considered in the very early stages of...
Beyond homeostasis: visceral signals influence higher order cognitive and emotional processes 12 giugno 2024While conventionally regarded as serving primarily a homeostatic function, visceral signals, such...
Il cervello è un gioco da ragazzi 12 giugno 2024Dopo il successo della Settimana del Cervello, la Scuola IMT apre di nuovo le porte del suo OPEN...
Voci di Biblioteca 2024. Libri, scienza, attualità12 giugno 2024La Biblioteca della Scuola IMT e la Biblioteca Civica Agorà organizzano una rassegna di...
PhD Thesis Defense - Cognitive, Computational and Social Neurosciences12 giugno 2024Erika Sampaolo - Walking a mile in another’s shoes. The use of naturalistic stimulation to study...
Workshop Historicizing AIDS in Italy10 giugno 2024This workshop marks the beginning of the Prin project 2022 "Historicizing AIDS: Policies, Rights,...
Necking of plastic thin-walled tubes10 giugno 2024Necking localization under quasi–static uniaxial tension is experimentally observed in ductile thin...
PhD Thesis Defense - Cognitive, Computational and Social Neurosciences7 giugno 2024Dila Suay - Perception, Cognition and Ayahuasca: A Multidimensional Analysis of Alter States of...
Feeling touched by emotions7 giugno 2024Emotions are commonly associated with bodily sensations, even in the way we talk about emotions (e...
Archivissima 2024 | Visite guidate all'Archivio Fotografico Lucchese e all'Archivio Storico Comunale7 giugno 2024In occasione di Archivissima , il Festival e la Notte degli Archivi, il gruppo di ricerca della...
Griffith Energy and Gamma-convergence approximation7 giugno 2024The talk aims to introduce the main variational tools used in linear elasticity. In this talk we...
Advanced Seminar of the course digital twins for health6 giugno 2024This advanced lesson delves into the techniques and methodologies for segmenting and reconstructing...
Policy selection in collective action: Wealthy interests and coordination in threshold public goods experiments5 giugno 2024We introduce preference and endowment heterogeneity into a multiple-threshold public goods...
Believing: Brain Function at the Transition of Awareness3 giugno 2024Believing is a central brain function of humans. It interacts with other brain functions such as...
PhD Thesis Defense - Computer Science and Systems Engineering30 maggio 2024Mengjia Zhu - Global and preference-based optimization using surrogate-based methods
Founding conditions, learning and the survival of productive and unproductive young firms29 maggio 2024It is well known that the probability of exiting the market decreases with the age of the firm, and...
Asynchronous optimization through the lens of control theory29 maggio 2024With the ubiquitous digitalization of society, decision problems are rapidly expanding in size and...
Ephemeral Exhibition Spaces28 maggio 2024Cultural chronicles of the 21st Century are filled with major exhibition events, which follow one...
Workshop on Machine Learning for Data & Algorithm-sharing in social science27 maggio 2024The Workshop on Machine Learning for Data & Algorithm-sharing in social science, organized by...
Conjoint Workshop with University of Virginia23 maggio 2024IMT School recently signed an agreement with the UVA School of Data Science (UVA SDS), a pioneering...
Who's Afraid of Policy Experiments?22 maggio 2024In many public policy areas, randomized policy experiments can greatly contribute to our knowledge...
Adaptive Learning-based Model Predictive Control for Uncertain Interconnected Systems21 maggio 2024Control of safety-critical interconnected systems has recently attracted a lot of attention since...
Chimera states on non-regular higher-order structures15 maggio 2024Chimera states are dynamical states where coherent and incoherent behaviours coexist in the same...
Identification and Predictive Control based on Linear Parameter-Varying Surrogate Models15 maggio 2024The framework of Linear Parameter Varying (LPV) systems has been established with the purpose to...
Ensuring Network and Embedded System Security and Privacy15 maggio 2024The cyber landscape is rapidly expanding with the advent of new Internet of Things (IoT)...
PhD Thesis Defense - Computer Science and Systems Engineering14 maggio 2024Margherita Lalli - Scale-Invariant Random Graphs: a multiscale approach to network modeling
Networking meeting PhD in Management of Digital Transformation14 maggio 2024The PhD program in Management of Digital Transformation organizes its annual networking meeting...
Securing Distributed Learning via Randomized Hash-Combs13 maggio 2024The massive deployment of Machine Learning (ML) models raises serious concerns about data...
PhD Thesis Defense - Economics, Networks and Business Analytics10 maggio 2024Alberto Hidalgo Escudero - "The impact of tourism on urban areas"
PhD Thesis Defense - Cognitive, Computational and Social Neurosciences10 maggio 2024Yara Richard El Rassi - “The Representation of Visual Naturalistic Stimuli in Resting State...
Supply Chain Disruptions, the Structure of Production Networks, and the Impact of Globalization8 maggio 2024We introduce a parsimonious multi-sector model of international production and use it to study how...
Quo Vadis? I dilemmi del nostro tempo7 maggio 2024Il 7 maggio, alle 17:45, la Cappella Guinigi ospiterà l'evento " Quo Vadis? I dilemmi contemporanei...
Statistical field theory of random graph Laplacians6 maggio 2024While rarely mentioned in elementary introductions to random matrix theory, statistical field...
A Critical Analysis of Essential (Dhātī) - Descriptional (Waṣfī) Distinction in Avicennian Logic6 maggio 2024The aim of this talk is to critically analyze the “essential/substantial ( dhātī )-descriptional/...
Conferenza conclusiva Progetto Borghi, paesi, aree interne: infrastrutture, sostenibilità e qualità della vita2 maggio 2024Il 2 maggio alle ore 10.00 presso la Fortezza di Mont’Alfonso, Sala Porta Nord a Castelnuovo di...
Confidence intervals for machine learning methods29 aprile 2024Recently a lot of attention has been given to making sure that predictions given by powerful...
Anonymity, nonverbal communication and prosociality in digitized interactions: An experiment on charitable giving24 aprile 2024We empirically examine the value of modern digital communication tools for inducing prosocial...
Computational modelling of cognitive control.23 aprile 20244 th seminar While many efforts to improve brain-behaviour associations (BBAs) tend to focus on the...
PhD Thesis Defense - Cognitive, Computational and Social Neurosciences23 aprile 2024Sean Anthony Byrne - From Subpixel Accuracy to Scanpaths Analysis: Smart Strategies for...
Causes and consequences of cannabis use on adolescent brain development.22 aprile 20243 rd seminar Leveraging approximately ten years of prospective longitudinal data on 704...
PhD Thesis Defense - Analysis and Management of Cultural Heritage19 aprile 2024Natalie Francis Massong - “Circumventing Plague: the Spatial Experience of Women and Men during the...
Interactions between Logic, Law and Computation19 aprile 2024We speak of computable laws when those are to be enforced in an automated fashion. Formal language...
Morphogenesis and mechanics of saddle-shaped network-like structures: growth and failure of arboreal termite nests.18 aprile 2024I am interested in 3D highly connected saddle-shaped structures that resemble minimal surfaces and...
The Psychology of Human Values: Why They Explain Nothing 18 aprile 2024There are widespread beliefs that values (e.g., equality, helpfulness, wealth) differ substantially...
The power of memory: the decimation scheme for symmetric matrix factorization17 aprile 2024Factorizing a noisy matrix with a rank comparable to its dimension into two matrices is a...
“Art & Inequality in the Shadow of the Black Death”: New ideas, New questions17 aprile 2024My talk will explore archival samples centred on last wills and testaments that my team and I are...
How to conduct small sample studies in an era of Big Data?15 aprile 20242 nd seminar Significant concerns related to the replicability of neuroimaging findings are pushing...
Albertus Magnus on Alchemy: Its Natural-Philosophical and Metaphysical Implications12 aprile 2024Albertus Magnus’ interest in alchemy is a topic that has attracted the attention of modern...
The Psychology of Human Values: Why They Explain Everything 11 aprile 2024Around the world, people espouse the importance of different values – the abstract ideals that...
‘L’occhio del regime’ and the Nostalgia of the Empire: Propaganda and Cultural Legacies of Italian Colonialism11 aprile 2024A century ago (1924) the Istituto Luce was born, soon becoming the most characteristic propaganda...
Anticipating Climate Change Across the United States∗10 aprile 2024We evaluate how anticipation and adaptation shape the aggregate and local costs of climate change...
Formal Modelling of Biologically-inspired Complex Self-Organising Systems10 aprile 2024Uncovering the mechanisms of complex systems such as a biological cell or a colony of honeybees...
PhD Thesis Defense - Computer Science and Systems Engineering10 aprile 2024Giuseppe Squillace - Dynamical systems reduction through approximate lumping techniques
The ABCD study: An overview and update on a neurodevelopmental study of over 11,000 children.9 aprile 20241 st seminar This presentation will give an overview on the ABCD study ( https://abcdstudy.org/ ),...
Le collezioni dei Musei Nazionali di Lucca: presentazione del nuovo database on-line9 aprile 2024Martedì 9 aprile alle ore 11.00, nella Sala Conferenze del Museo Nazionale di Villa Guinigi , si...
CollectionLess Artificial Intelligence5 aprile 2024By and large, the professional handling of huge data collections is regarded as a fundamental...
Imperfect (Re)allocation in Imperfect Markets: Evidence from China’s Pilot Carbon ETS27 marzo 2024We evaluate the effectiveness of both absolute and intensity emission regulations in the Chinese...
A reassessment of the second style paintings of the Villa dei Misteri at Pompeii27 marzo 2024The paintings of the Villa of the Mysteries in Pompeii are considered one of the earliest examples...
PhD Thesis Defense - Computer Science and Systems Engineering22 marzo 2024Zeng Liu - " Multi-field and multi-scale modeling of fracture for renewable energy"
Dynamic functional brain networks21 marzo 2024In neuroscience network theoretic approaches have been used to uncover inherent properties of...
Encapsulation Structure and Dynamics in Hypergraphs21 marzo 2024Hypergraphs are a powerful modelling framework to represent systems where interactions may involve...
PORTE APERTE ALLA SCUOLA IMT Visita degli edifici storici20 marzo 2024In occasione della Giornata Nazionale delle Università , la Scuola IMT è lieta di invitarvi a...
Adversarial incorrect information injection in cyber-physical systems20 marzo 2024Ambient monitoring through remote sensing is the first operation in cyber-physical systems to...
Ma che cosa avete in testa? Potenzialità e fragilità (incluse le dipendenze) del cervello adolescente13 marzo 2024Emiliano Ricciardi Professore in Neuroscienze Perché i giovani sembrano più impulsivi, più...
Silvio Ferri Lectures 202413 marzo 2024Silvio Ferri Lectures 2024 Il Museo e le sfide del futuro: ricerca, inclusione e transizione...
Global Coordination Challenges in the Transition to Clean Technology: Lessons from Automotive Innovation13 marzo 2024Significant progress reconciling economic activities with a stable climate requires radical and...
Settimana del cervello 202411 marzo 2024La Settimana del Cervello è un evento internazionale dedicato ad accrescere la consapevolezza delle...
Reassessing the impact of the Single Market and its ability to help build strategic autonomy6 marzo 2024European integration, which culminated in the completion of the Single Market, the single currency...
La teoria dei giochi: una scienza per prendere decisioni5 marzo 2024Evento previsto il 27 febbraio e rimandato a martedì 5 marzo 2024 Ennio Bilancini Professore in...
The restitution of looted art in post-fascist Europe, 1945-19984 marzo 2024This paper examines how cultural restitution was presented and debated in the three main post-...
Modeling cortical sources: from scalp to regional activity (Part II)28 febbraio 2024When performing data analysis, a crucial aspect to deal with is data dimensionality. Indeed, both...
Church, State and Education: School Funding and Catholic Assimilation in the U.S.28 febbraio 2024The paper studies how the allocation of public funds in the 19th century US affected the diffusion...
Assessment and scoring of vigilance states (Part II)26 febbraio 2024The seminar will introduce manual sleep staging. During this session, we'll examine the...
Modeling cortical sources: from scalp to regional activity (Part I)21 febbraio 2024The study of brain activity often requires researchers to face the trade-off between having a...
University-to-Industry knowledge transfers and firms’ resilience during the Great Recession: Evidence for Spanish firms21 febbraio 2024This study examines the extent to which university-to-industry knowledge transfers influence firm...
Assessment and scoring of vigilance states (Part I)19 febbraio 2024The seminar will introduce manual sleep staging. During this session, we'll examine the...
Workshop on Economic and Financial Networks: reconstruction, resilience and recovery19 febbraio 2024The importance of studying the interconnectedness of the constituents of economic and financial...
Cosmo, astrologia e creazione nel circolo di al-Kindī: il caso del “Sui governi delle sfere celesti” di Alessandro di Afrodisia16 febbraio 2024Il seminario intende presentare la cosmologia e il tema della creazione sviluppati nel trattato...
Investment in Digital Technologies and Firms' Labor Demand 14 febbraio 2024The seminar focuses on the effects of investment in robots and other 4IR digital technologies (...
The “return of beauty”? Restituting fascist-looted cultural property in Italy, 1945-200112 febbraio 2024This paper examines the lopsided process of restitution of looted cultural property in Italy from...
Different ways of loading an elastic disk, constrained on the boundary with an isoperimetric Cosserat coating9 febbraio 2024The mechanical behaviour of a solid body is chiefly influenced by the way the applied loads depend...
The Conception of Divine Potency in the Cosmology of al-Kindī's Circle9 febbraio 2024The seminar will analyse passages from translations and adaptations produced in the circle of al-...
PhD Thesis Defense - Economics, Networks and Business Analytics8 febbraio 2024Marzio Di Vece - "Gravity Models of Networks"
Decomposing the heterogeneity of autism with fMRI7 febbraio 2024Atypical functional connectivity, as measured with resting state fMRI, is a hallmark feature of...
PhD Thesis Defense - Analysis and Management of Cultural Heritage6 febbraio 2024Mariafrancesca Cataldo - A Right to Destroy? The Legal Boundaries of Cultural Memory. An...
Automated Analysis of Probabilistic Loops 6 febbraio 2024From classical randomized algorithms to modern generative machine learning components,...
Directional constitutive formulation of fiber-distributed homogenized constrained mixtures 6 febbraio 2024The orientation distribution of the reinforcing fibers in active tissues requires micromechanics...
Oltre Marie. Prospettive di genere nella scienza. 5 febbraio 2024L’11 febbraio ricorre la Giornata Internazionale delle Donne e delle Ragazze nella Scienza ,...
PhD Thesis Defense - Computer Science and Systems Engineering5 febbraio 2024Francesca Randone - Efficient and accurate analysis of two classes of transparent generative models
Covert & Side Stories: Threats Evolution in Traditional and Modern Technologies5 febbraio 2024Alongside traditional Information and Communication Technologies, more recent ones like Smartphones...
Annual PhD Meeting of the EADS and ENBA programs4 febbraio 2024From February 4rd to February 6th 2024, the first edition of the Annual PhD Meeting will be held at...
Workshop on "Modeling the Interacting Brain in Naturalistic Settings"3 febbraio 2024On February 3, 2024 at 1.00pm the Workshop on ‘Modeling the Interacting Brain in Naturalistic...
Scaling security at Meta using static analyses based on abstract interpretation1 febbraio 2024Over 50% of the security vulnerabilities we found across Meta’s family of apps (Facebook, Instagram...
Connecting to Power: Political Connections, Innovation, and Firm Dynamics31 gennaio 2024How do political connections affect firm dynamics, innovation, and creative destruction? We extend...
PhD Thesis Defense - Analysis and Management of Cultural Heritage26 gennaio 2024Arturo Mariano Iannace - "Power, Legitimacy, and their Rituals and Imagery: Early Medieval Southern...
What Can A Book Do? Reflections on the Affordances of Early Medieval Liturgical Books25 gennaio 2024This paper explores the application of affordance theory to the interpretation of the material,...
Unde venis Renyi entropy: 65 years of Renyi entropy25 gennaio 2024In my talk, I will provide explicit examples from thermodynamics, information theory, quantum...
Other and otherness in the medieval world25 gennaio 2024The issue of Otherness, or of the Other and his perception, in the medieval world has stimulated...
2nd Workshop of the Pro3 joint project18 gennaio 2024The 2nd Workshop of the Pro3 joint project " Scientific computing for natural sciences, social...
Welcome day - Rooted in Lucca, reaching beyond15 gennaio 2024We are enthusiastic to have new students joining our academic community and we look forward to...
Imaging Memory Consolidation in Wakefulness and Sleep11 gennaio 2024New memories are initially labile and have to be consolidated into stable long-term representations...
PhD Thesis Defense - Computer Science and Systems Engineering11 gennaio 2024Angel de Jesus Valverde Gonzalez - Phase Field methods for Fracture Mechanics in coupled problems
PhD Thesis Defense - Cognitive, Computational and Social Neurosciences10 gennaio 2024Valentina Elce - The cartography of dreams: application of computational linguistics to the study...
How the brain shapes the way we act 9 gennaio 2024Actions with identical goals can be performed with different dynamic forms, also named vitality...