PhD Thesis Defense - Analysis and Management of Cultural Heritage18 dicembre 2020Alice Labor - The promotion of contemporary art in Italy. An institutional perspective
PhD Thesis Defense in Cognitive, Computational and Social Neurosciences18 dicembre 2020Francesca Setti - Naturalistic stimulation in sensory-deprived individuals reveals overlapping...
What precedes the phenotypical expression of autism as we know it? Focus on movement development in the first 12 months of life17 dicembre 2020Autism is currently described as a set of neurodevelopmental disorders characterized by the very...
Workshop on Technology and the Labour Market17 dicembre 2020ORGANIZERS Sotiris Blanas, Massimo Riccaboni, Armando Rungi IMT School for Advanced Studies Lucca...
PhD Thesis Defense - Economics Management and Data Science16 dicembre 2020Costanza Tortù - Essays on Causal Inference and Complex Networks
PhD Thesis Defense in Cognitive, Computational and Social Neurosciences11 dicembre 2020Giulia Avvenuti - The local regulation of human sleep: anatomo-functional bases and implications...
Presentazione RUniPace, Rete delle Università Italiane per la Pace10 dicembre 2020Giovedì 10 dicembre - in occasione della Giornata Internazionale per i Diritti Umani - sarà...
A Regional Perspective of Family Firms. Evidence from Europe9 dicembre 2020The aim of this presentation is to provide preliminary empirical evidence about the prevalence of...
PhD Thesis Defense - Economics, Management and Data Science4 dicembre 2020Selene Perazzini - Public-Private Insurance for the Management of Natural Disasters
PhD Thesis Defense - Analysis and Management of Cultural Heritage30 novembre 2020Valeria Volpe - /*--> */ The Cerbalus project: Landscape Archaeology in the Cervaro river valley...
BRIGHT-NIGHT 2020 - La Notte Europea delle Ricercatrici e dei Ricercatori27 novembre 2020Si rinnova l'appuntamento con la Notte Europea delle Ricercatrici e dei Ricercatori, un'iniziativa...
Come (s)ragioniamo: decisioni, incertezza e trappole mentali25 novembre 2020In programma il terzo appuntamento della della rassegna di seminari online, organizzati da Intesa...
Irrational Statistical Discrimination25 novembre 2020In the absence of complete information about worker characteristics, employers might systematically...
PhD Thesis Defense - Economics, Management and Data Science24 novembre 2020Abhishek Samantray - Collective Behaviour in Digital Societies
Welcome Day - Dal mondo a Lucca: la Scuola IMT accoglie i nuovi allievi18 novembre 2020La comunità della Scuola dà il benvenuto ai nuovi allievi. In relazione all'attuale situazione di...
Maximum Entropy Approach to Macro-Economic Urban Dynamics13 novembre 2020The rapid urbanization makes the understanding of the evolution of urban environments of utmost...
GAME Science Changes: La scienza in gioco che cambia @Lucca Changes 202030 ottobre 2020Il GAMES Science Research Center ha organizzato una serie di incontri online che si svolgeranno da...
Viaggio nella mente e nel cervello di un adolescente27 ottobre 2020La Scuola IMT è lieta di annunciare il secondo appuntamento della rassegna di seminari online,...
JOBfair 2020 | Cerimonia di apertura21 ottobre 2020Il job meeting delle scuole di eccellenza italiane 11.00 - Apertura dei lavori e saluti...
New analytical approaches to PSG recordings, combining big-data and machine learning tools to investigate sleep21 ottobre 2020Polysomnographic (PSG) recordings are the gold-standard of sleep research in humans. Yet, PSG...
Start Cup Toscana 2020 | Cerimonia di premiazione16 ottobre 2020Start Cup Toscana è la competizione che premia le migliori iniziative imprenditoriali ad elevato...
Are hypothetical and monetary incentives the same? Evidence for time and risk preferences (lab, field and online)14 ottobre 2020Paper #1: To pay or not to pay: Measuring risk preferences in lab and field (with Lorenzo Estepa...
Local sleep in waking and its consequences on cognition and consciousness9 ottobre 2020Sleep has been classically described as an all-or-nothing global phenomenon. However, recent...
The Vigilant Sleeper: Sensory Processing and Learning during Sleep6 ottobre 2020Sleep suppresses the ability to react to environmental demands. It has been proposed that a...
Biomimetic interfaces and crack-arresters: routes towards improved fracture performances | Phase field methods for crack modeling in fibre long reinforced composite structures at different scales 5 ottobre 2020Biomimetic interfaces and crack-arresters: routes towards improved fracture performances Nature...
Memoria e attenzione: le funzioni cognitive tra mente e cervello29 settembre 2020Il seminario si inserisce in una serie di appuntamenti che hanno l’obiettivo di illustrare e...
1ST INTERIM PROCOPE WORKSHOP28 settembre 2020PRO.CO.P.E. (Prosociality, Cognition, Peer Effects) is a multidisciplinary research project funded...
Never Trust Your Victim: Weaponizing Vulnerabilities in Security Scanners2 settembre 2020The first step of every attack is reconnaissance, i.e., to acquire information about the target. We...
Shear bands, metamaterials, flutter and other stories27 luglio 2020Architected materials are preconized to yield extreme mechanical properties such as foldability,...
PhD Thesis Defense - Analysis and Management of Cultural Heritage27 luglio 2020Dana Salpina - Cultural Dimension of Agricultural Landscape: The Study on Protection, Management,...
Webinar: Prospettive e Soluzioni per la Ripartenza delle Imprese23 luglio 2020Webinar organizzato da ARTES 4.0 e dalla Scuola IMT. Imprese di consulenza e formazione e docenti...
PhD Thesis Defense - Analysis and Management of Cultural Heritage17 luglio 2020Maria Emanuela Oddo - Measuring time. Histories of chronology building in archaeology
PhD Thesis Defense - Computer Science and Systems Engineering16 luglio 2020Jens Seeber - Logical Completeness for String Diagrams
The neuroscience of psychopathy: from crime to novel strategies for rehabilitation14 luglio 2020This second seminar will continue reviewing the latest neuroscience of individuals who commit...
PhD Thesis Defense - Control Systems13 luglio 2020Puya Latafat - Distributed Proximal Algorithms for Large-Scale Structured Optimization Joint PhD...
PhD Thesis Defense - Computer Science and Systems Engineering13 luglio 2020Teresa Guillén Hernández - Computational Fracture Mechanics for Reliability of Composites at the...
PhD Thesis Defense - Analysis and Management of Cultural Heritage10 luglio 2020Marco Brunetti - A vocabulary of the Antique. An archaeological reconstruction and the reception of...
PhD Thesis Defense - Analysis and Management of Cultural Heritage9 luglio 2020Anđelko Mihanović - Make Rome Great Again! Presenting the Murder of Julius Caesar in the Time of...
PhD Thesis Defense - Economics, Management and Data Science8 luglio 2020Falco Joannes Bargagli Stoffi - Essays on Applied Machine Learning
Data Science for Impact Evaluation Webinar8 luglio 2020Google Meet: IMT School for Advanced Studies Lucca (Italy) and...
The neuroscience of psychopathy: from crime to novel strategies for rehabilitation7 luglio 2020This seminar will review the latest neuroscience of individuals who commit serious violent crimes...
PhD Thesis Defense - Computer Science6 luglio 2020Alessandro Maggi - The DReAM framework: a logic-inspired approach to reconfigurable system modeling
Webinar: ENBA Presentation | 2020/21 PhD Call for Applications23 giugno 2020Link: The IMT School for Advanced Studies Lucca organizes a...
Giocando s’impara (a difendersi dai rischi della rete)25 maggio 2020Intervengono Rocco De Nicola Professore di informatica, Scuola IMT Gabriele Costa Ricercatore in...
Le potenzialità del cervello nell’adolescente - un acceleratore senza freni21 maggio 2020La Scuola IMT Alti Studi Lucca, in collaborazione con l'Ufficio Scolastico IX di Lucca e Massa...
Corruption and Extremism20 maggio 2020When should we expect an opposition group to select an extremist leader or representative? This...
Patrimonio culturale, risorse, sostenibilità: i musei nazionali di Lucca18 maggio 2020In occasione della Giornata Internazionale dei Musei 2020, la Scuola IMT Alti Studi Lucca organizza...
Foreign Owners and Expatriate Managers: Effects on Firm Performance6 maggio 2020Using a novel dataset based on exhaustive administrative data from Hungary on firms and their...
Identity, Media and Consumer Behavior22 aprile 2020This paper examines how political events that sharpen identity affect consumer behaviour. We study...
Città sostenibili nell’era dei cambiamenti climatici22 aprile 2020In occasione dell' Earth Day 2020 , la Scuola IMT Alti Studi Lucca organizza un incontro virtuale...
PhD Thesis Defense - Computer Science and Systems Engineering31 marzo 2020Domagoj Herceg - Stochastic Model Predictive Control of Nonlinear and Uncertain Systems
PhD Thesis Defense - Cognitive, Computational and Social Neurosciences31 marzo 2020Laura Sophie Imperatori - Investigation of Physiological and Pathological Conditions Using...
PhD Thesis Defense - Analysis and Management of Cultural Heritage30 marzo 2020Daria Gradusova - Immersive exhibitions in the beginning of the 21st century: Understanding theory...
PhD Thesis Defense - Analysis and Management of Cultural Heritage30 marzo 2020Agnese Ghezzi - The handbook, the field, and the archive: photographic practices and the rise of...
PhD Thesis Defense - Analysis and Management of Cultural Heritage27 marzo 2020Anna Pirri Valentini - CONTROLS ON THE EXPORT OF CULTURAL PROPERTY. Historical and contemporary...
Muri, terreni instabili, ponti: Cristianesimo e Islam tra Dante Alighieri e il presente25 marzo 2020La Scuola IMT Alti Studi Lucca contribuirà al primo Dantedì con un incontro virtuale in streaming...
PhD Thesis Defense - Computer, Decision and Systems Science23 marzo 2020George Alexandru Davidescu - The Capacitated Spanning Forest Problem
PhD Thesis Defense - Computer Science and Systems Engineering17 marzo 2020Isabel Cristina Pérez Verona - Approaches for the exact reduction of large-scale biochemical models
Settimana Mondiale del Cervello 2020 - EDIZIONE VIRTUALE16 marzo 2020La Settimana Mondiale del Cervello è un evento internazionale dedicato ad accrescere la...
PhD Thesis Defense - Economics, Management and Data Science4 marzo 2020Jan Niederreiter - Essays on Contest Experiments and Supervised Learning in the Pharmaceutical...
PhD Thesis Defense - Economics, Management and Data Science4 marzo 2020Giovanni Bonaccorsi - Three Essays on the Applications of Multiplex Networks in Economics
Cluster approach to phase transitions from fluid to amorphous solids: gels, glasses and granular materials19 febbraio 2020In this talk it is shown how the critical dynamics, associated to the gel, the glass and the...
The role of bots in the propaganda spreading on Twitter18 febbraio 2020Social Media are the privileged channel for news spreading and checking. Unexpectedly for many...
Metamaterials and Instabilities in Extreme Elastic Materials15 febbraio 2020Imagine a material in which shear bands and other instabilities may occur well inside the elastic...
Stability and systemic crises in ecological networks: current research frontiers and future directions14 febbraio 2020In nature, organisms of different species interact to form communities that control the functioning...
TMS-evoked potentials to measure effective connectivity of long-range connections12 febbraio 2020The TMS-evoked potentials are derived from the coregistration of transcranial magnatic stimulation...
Priority to unemployed immigrants? A causal machine learning evaluation of training in Belgium12 febbraio 2020We investigate heterogenous employment effects of Flemish training pro-grammes. Based on...
Giornata internazionale delle donne e delle ragazze nella scienza - Ragazze con i numeri11 febbraio 2020L’11 febbraio ricorre la Giornata internazionale delle donne e delle ragazze nella scienza,...
Interaction structure, Cognition and the Evolution of Social Coordination5 febbraio 2020Social and economic interactions often require participants to coordinate their actions. In this...
Locomotion Strategies for Quadruped Robots5 febbraio 2020Legged robots are mainly designed to traverse unstructured environments where wheeled robots have...
Hydroxyapatite Ceramics: Hierarchical Porosity and Mechanical Characterisation3 febbraio 2020In the field of bone replacement, there is the need of developing materials with a high load-...
Estimating Intergenerational and Assortative Processes in Extended Family Data29 gennaio 2020We propose a new approach to quantify intergenerational processes that exploits different degrees...
Deep social neuroscience: Artificial neural networks offer new insight into social cognition28 gennaio 2020Rapid progress in deep learning over the past decade has led to important advances in human...
The neural representation of mental states: Organization for prediction28 gennaio 2020To navigate the social world, people must understand and anticipate each other’s thoughts and...
Giorno della Memoria - Proiezione del documentario #AnneFrank. Vite Parallele27 gennaio 2020Per celebrare la Giornata della Memoria la Scuola IMT organizza la proiezione di #AnneFrank. Vite...
Epic Fail: How Below-Bid Pricing Backfires in Multiunit Auctions15 gennaio 2020Ascending (or second-price) and uniform-price multiunit auctions have appealing theoretical...
Instabilities Across the Scales: the Case of Cells14 gennaio 2020Material and structural instabilities are ubiquitous at the various length scales in continua...