The Anti-Hegemonic Cinema of Yugoslavia and What Came After19 dicembre 2013This presentation aims to show how the cinema in Yugoslavia and its successor states has...
Exit Classification, Enter Quantification18 dicembre 2013Text classification, the task of automatically attributing items of natural language text (e.g.,...
Adversarial signal processing18 dicembre 2013Security-oriented applications of signal processing have received increasing attention in the last...
Processing and Analysis of Mars Missions Data13 dicembre 2013Mars, among the planets of our Solar System, is the nearest and the most similar to the Earth...
Community Detection in Networks5 dicembre 2013Finding communities in networks is crucial to understand their structure and function, as well as...
When in Lucca, do as the Lucchesi do! MAPaC Project on Models and Analysis of Lucca?s Cultural Heritage29 novembre 2013
Marey and Muybridge: Science, Pseudo Science, Art29 novembre 2013The names of Étienne Jules Marey and Edward James Muybridge are often linked together. Both used...
A Performative Space: Socio-Spatial Practices in Tahrir Square during the Egyptian Revolution.27 novembre 2013Did spatial practices and Acts of resistance result in the re-conceptualization of Tahrir Square,...
Robust Field Oriented Control of Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motors19 novembre 2013Permanent magnet synchronous motors (PMSMs) have an important role in motion control applications...
The ?emission disease? of services13 novembre 2013It is almost conventional wisdom that the shift to services will reduce the environmental impacts...
Pattern Analysis and Computer Vision @ IIT: an overview of four years of research and beyond 12 novembre 2013In this talk, I will describe the research activities performed in PAVIS (Pattern Analysis &...
Inaugurazione Anno Accademico 2013-201411 novembre 2013Chiesa di San Francesco - Piazza San Francesco, Lucca ore 14.30 PROGRAMMA DEI LAVORI Indirizzi di...
Imaging and Image Processing for Plant Phenotyping at Forschungszentrum Jülich7 novembre 2013The Institute of Bio- and Geosciences, IBG-2: Plant Sciences at Forschungszentrum Jülich...
History Dependent Automata: from Location Bisimulation to Network Conscious Pi-Calculus6 novembre 2013Often the states of systems include explicit information about resources acquired in the past, and...
Presentazione del libro "L?intelligenza del denaro" di Alberto Mingardi26 ottobre 2013Molte volte, specialmente in questo lungo periodo di drammatica crisi economica, abbiamo sentito...
From gigapixel time-lapse and UAVs to food security and adaptive conservation: software and hardware requirements for enabling NextGen ecology and phenomics23 ottobre 2013NextGen ecology and genomics will require much greater collaboration between biologists computer...
Towards model checking the hardware description language BSV23 ottobre 2013As electronic applications are supposed to be compact, fast and at the same time use as little...
Presentazione del libro "Il berlusconismo nella storia d'Italia" di Giovanni Orsina17 ottobre 2013Scegliendo punti di osservazione e ipotesi interpretative finora trascurate, il lavoro del...
Non-contrast MRI: applications in cardiac and peripheral muscle16 ottobre 2013Many diseases may cause renal insufficiency, including diabetes and hypertension. Patients with...
Seminario con Assindustria - Distretti industriali e reti inter-organizzative14 ottobre 2013Seminario organizzato in collaborazione con il Gruppo Giovani Imprenditori di Assindutria Lucca
Seminario con Assindustria - Cluster innovativi: nuove strategie e nuove politiche industriali25 settembre 2013Seminario organizzato in collaborazione con il Gruppo Giovani Imprenditori di Assindutria Lucca
Semantics of Concurrent Processes: Unification and New Directions 24 settembre 2013During the last years, we have developed a multiparadigm unified framework to present all the...
Modal logics, Horn theories, and (hyper-)graph theory are not so far - The 'enumeration problems' bridge18 settembre 2013In this talk, we will explore a connection between the fields of modal logics, Horn theories, and...
Alias calculus, change calculus and frame inference16 settembre 2013Alias analysis, which determines whether two expressions in a program may reference to the same...
An Introduction to Research Ethics 11 settembre 2013Research in any field of investigation is carried out by a community of researchers. Like all...
Seminario con Assindustria - Organizzazione aziendale e gestione del personale22 luglio 2013Seminario organizzato in collaborazione con il Gruppo Giovani Imprenditori di Assindutria Lucca
When is the whole greater than the sum of the parts? Studying collective cognition in human problem solving15 luglio 2013How do we think together? In particular, how do groups of individuals solve problems, and how do...
Horizons in Social Science 201311 luglio 2013Nowadays there is an ongoing intense scientific debate around the definition of the foundational...
Seminario con Assindustria - Finanza e impresa1 luglio 2013Seminario organizzato in collaborazione con il Gruppo Giovani Imprenditori di Assindutria Lucca
Do Entrepreneurs Matter?1 luglio 2013In the large literature on firm performance, economists have given little attention to...
"5th HYCON2 PhD School on Control of Networked and Large-Scale Systems" and "EFFINET PhD School on Control of Drinking Water Networks"1 luglio 2013The event is targeted at graduate students and researchers who want to learn the main concepts of...
"2nd Awareness Summer School"24 giugno 2013Aimed at graduate/PhD students and researchers from different disciplines, this summer school will...
The Value of Entrepreneurial Failures: Experimentation and Career Concerns19 giugno 2013We study career paths in and out of entrepreneurship. We assume that entrepreneurs have more...
The Road from Mont Pelerin: Origins and Evolution of Neoliberalism19 giugno 2013Although the history of neoliberalism has to be traced back to the Colloque Walter Lippmann in...
Inconsistent Regulators: Evidence from Banking19 giugno 2013We find that regulators can implement identical rules inconsistently due to differences in their...
Randomized Kaczmarz algorithm18 giugno 2013We propose and analyze a randomized iterative variant of the popular Kaczmarz algorithm for solving...
MY SMART LUCCA - NUOVE IDEE PER RIPENSARE LA CITTÀ14 giugno 2013Presentazione della piattaforma My Smart City e del progetto Green Steps
Seminario con Assindustria - Che cosa succederà nei prossimi anni? I trend che plasmeranno il prossimo decennio13 giugno 2013Seminario organizzato in collaborazione con il Gruppo Giovani Imprenditori di Assindutria Lucca
Likes, Tweets, and Nuclear Threat Reduction - How to take advantage of the changing role of academic technology transfer to change the world12 giugno 2013The ways that technologies move from their academic inception points to a business setting is...
ESPERIENZE E IDEE A CONFRONTO PER RIQUALIFICARE IL MERCATO DEL CARMINE DI LUCCA11 giugno 2013Progettare e disegnare un'architettura per il marketing di un mercato - Il progetto del mercato...
Knowledge ? dynamics ? landscape - navigation ? what have interfaces to digital libraries to do with physics?11 giugno 2013When we google, search Wikipedia, and share information on Mendeley, we obviously deal with complex...
Self-centered Inequity Aversion and the Mass Politics of Taxing the Rich10 giugno 2013The politics of economic crises bring distributive economic conflict to the fore of national...
Criminal Networks: Who is the Key Player?5 giugno 2013We develop a key-player model by allowing for link formation so that when a person is removed from...
The reception of Henri Bergson in French and Italian avant-garde circles at the start of the twentieth century: Bergsonism, art and politics4 giugno 2013In 1913 a public battle occurred among prominent figures in the anarchist movement over the merits...
Presentazione del libro "Crisi e rinascita del liberalismo classico" di Antonio Masala31 maggio 2013Dopo una lunga crisi, che ne aveva non soltanto deteriorato l’immagine ma soprattutto snaturato le...
Distributed Model Predictive Control: Theory and Algorithms29 maggio 2013In this talk, we discuss various topics related to distributed model predictive control (DMPC)...
War and the transition away from Absolutism28 maggio 2013We propose a model to explain the transition from Absolutism to rule by Parliament. The Elites face...
An Optimal Dividend and Investment Control Problem under Debt Constraints 20 maggio 2013This paper concerns the problem of determining an optimal control on the dividend and investment...
Economic Growth in the Malthusian Era: Evidence from the 1609 Spanish Expulsion of the Moriscos13 maggio 2013We examine economic growth in the Malthusian era, exploiting detailed records and the 1609...
Opportunità e Sfide per la Ricerca - Il Ruolo del CNR9 maggio 2013Ingegnere chimico, tra gli scienziati italiani maggiormente citati al mondo, Nicolais illustra le...
Prospettive di ricerca nell?ambito della meccanica computazionale9 maggio 2013Il seminario propone un excursus delle tematiche di ricerca modellistica, numerica e sperimentale...
The ABC of Ecoinformatics - Knowledge representation, Agents, Services, and Programming Languages for Environmental Modelling and Decision Support8 maggio 2013Ecology, environmental engineering and natural resource management comprise complex and challenging...
How Do Voters Respond to Information? Evidence from a Randomized Campaign6 maggio 2013Rational voters update their subjective beliefs about candidates attributes with the arrival of...
The Dynamic Effects of Information on Political Corruption: Theory and Evidence from Puerto Rico22 aprile 2013Does the disclosure of information about corrupt activities induce a sustained reduction in...
Network Synchronization in a Noisy Environment with Time Delays: Fundamental Limits and Trade-Offs19 aprile 2013We study the effects of nonzero time delays in stochastic synchronization with linear couplings in...
Oblique Complementarities, Social Norms and the Signaling Value of Parental Behavior15 aprile 2013This paper studies social learning in parent-child relationships; children look at their parents'...
Do Cash Transfers Improve Birth Outcomes? Evidence from Matched Vital Statistics, Program and Social Security Data8 aprile 2013There is limited empirical evidence on whether cash social assistance to poor pregnant women...
Spin-off universitari e imprenditorialità giovanile27 marzo 2013Da più di un decennio sono attive in Italia aziende nate dalle ricerca universitaria. Queste...
Compositionality of Strict, Approximate and Metric Bisimulation in Probabilistic Systems26 marzo 2013We will start by introducing a recently developed Plotkin style SOS specification format for Segala...
Sparse and Redundant Representations: Theory and Applications25 marzo 2013In this talk we describe some of the recent advances in sparse and redundant representations of...
When Credit Dries Up: Job Losses in the Great Recession25 marzo 2013The Great Recession has renewed interest in the real effects of credit supply shocks. In this paper...
Invecchiamento della popolazione, riforme del welfare e sostenibilità dei conti pubblici - Quali sfide per l'Europa22 marzo 2013La crisi finanziaria ha solo temporaneamente distolto l'attenzione da uno dei più seri problemi di...
The Emergence of Organizations and Markets21 marzo 2013The social sciences have sophisticated models of choice and equilibrium but little understanding of...
Complete Realisation of Choreographies and Multi-party Session Types20 marzo 2013Complete realisation of choreographies has been largely neglected in the context of multiparty...
Social Capital, Government Expenditures, and Growth18 marzo 2013Countries with greater social capital have higher economic growth. We show that social capital is...
Studying spatial interactions between commercial activities in the city from online location-based social networks14 marzo 2013In this work we study spatial interactions between different business activities in the city from...
Causality Checking12 marzo 2013I will introduce Causality Checking, a technique extending model checking designed to establish...
Constitutional reform and state capacity building: the case of the Glorious Revolution11 marzo 2013In the work we have tried to explain why the delay in lowering the interest rate on English...
Putting excellence first: why and how the ERC experience matters10 marzo 2013In only five years the newly established European Research Council, ERC, has transformed the...
Museum finances: challenges beyond economic crises7 marzo 2013Economic crises directly and indirectly affect the financial health of museums. Despite this...
From qualitative to quantitative enforcement of security policies6 marzo 2013The talk addresses several issues on the formal specification of enforcement mechanisms for...
Emergent properties in interface mechanical problems: A paradigm of organized complexity5 marzo 2013Organized complexity resides in the non-random, or correlated, interaction between the parts of a...
How enforcement institutions affect impersonal exchange4 marzo 2013In an experiment we study anonymous market interactions in the presence of judges. Our...
Rate analysis of inexact dual gradient methods: Application to embedded and distributed MPC19 febbraio 2013In this talk we provide rate analysis and computational complexity certification of inexact dual...
Fiscal Federalism and Political Selection11 febbraio 2013In this paper we provide an explanation of why fiscal federalism needs a low degree of vertical...
Linde: la trasformazione di una impresa tecnologica e il suo contesto istituzionale di riferimento8 febbraio 2013L’intervento di Reitzle si focalizza sulla trasformazione dell’azienda in relazione al panorama...
Science publishes a new paper by IMT faculty members A. Chessa, A. Morescalchi, F. Pammolli, O. Penner, A. M. Petersen, M. Riccaboni, ?Is Europe Evolving Toward an Integrated Research Area??8 febbraio 2013Science 8 February 2013: Vol. 339 no. 6120 pp. 650-651 DOI: 10.1126/science.1227970 Is Europe...
Modeling the Social, Spatial, and Temporal dimensions of Human Mobility in a unifying framework 31 gennaio 2013Modeling human mobility is important in the context of smart cities as it can assist design of the...
Reference-Dependence and Credible Information Transmission28 gennaio 2013I consider the interaction between an informed agent (S) who can make announcements concerning her...
Workshop on Research challenges and opportunities in smart grids and new energy markets28 gennaio 2013The recent globalization, liberalization, and diversification of the energy market and the...
World citation and collaboration networks: uncovering the role of geography in science23 gennaio 2013Modern information and communication technologies, especially the Internet, have diminished the...
U.S. Security Strategy and the Value of Bilateral Trade22 gennaio 2013The relationship between trade and foreign-policy goals has led to growing debates in the field of...
Asymptotic risk analysis for trust and reputation systems21 gennaio 2013Trust and reputation systems are decision support tools used to drive parties interactions on the...
A Copula-based clustering algorithm16 gennaio 2013In this work we investigate the problem of clustering dependent data by means of copula functions...
Emergent Coordination in Pervasive Service Ecosystems16 gennaio 2013Several today and emergent applications of pervasive computing (smartcities, sensor networks,...
Tutela e trasmissione di uno stile nella gestione della casa museo di Villa La Pietra a Firenze9 gennaio 2013