Reading Twitter in the Newsroom: Web 2.0 and Traditional-Media Reporting of Conflicts29 September 2021User-generated online content changes traditional-media news on conflicts. Online posts by citizen...
Neural systems underlying social-emotional functions22 September 2021In this talk, I will summarize my research assessing the neural basis of human social-emotional...
A comprehensive Trust based model for Online Social Networks21 September 2021Online Social Networks (OSN) have become a central means of communication and interaction between...
Faking of personality disorders13 September 2021In mental insanity assessment of the defendant has a clear advantage in faking a personality...
The Sentence of the Supreme Court in Reunited Sections No. 9163/2005 and the problem of the insanity defence13 September 2021The responsibility of the mentally ill offender is a critical point of the penal system and...
Lumpability for Uncertain Continuous-Time Markov Chains7 September 2021The assumption of perfect knowledge of rate parameters in continuous-time Markov chains (CTMCs) is...
From time to space and back: languages and tool for spatio-temporal monitoring30 July 2021The specification and monitoring of spatio-temporal properties is becoming of utmost importance in...
Cyber Physical Uncertainties29 July 2021Cyber-physical systems are exposed to multiple uncertainties due to mixing software and hardware...
Patenting in 4IR Technologies and Firm Performance23 June 2021We investigate whether firm performance is related to the accumulated stock of technological...
Constrained Deep Learning for System Identification and Differentiable Predictive Control of Nonlinear Systems17 June 2021We present a differentiable predictive control (DPC) methodology for learning dynamics and...