Revealing information - or not - in a social network of traders28 June 2023We propose a micro-founded model of trading, with ex-ante asymmetric information. We analyze under...
Complex system modeling and design optimization considering uncertainty27 June 2023In the modern engineering domain, the design and optimization of complex systems have become...
A new measure of coordination in online social media: network analysis of information spread during the Russian invasion of Ukraine.23 June 2023Online social platforms are targeted by centrally coordinated disinformation campaigns. Even though...
Influential news and policy-making22 June 20239° Seminar Aperitalks @ IMT: social media This paper analyzes the implications of interventions...
FEM as a tool for optimizing the operating conditions of the tissue paper embossing and perforation processes21 June 20234° Seminar: Research and innovation on materials & mechanics for paper, paperboard and paper...
Entropy-based detection of Twitter echo chambers15 June 2023In the virtual world, an echo chamber is formed when people are exposed only to online information...
Buyer-Optimal Platform Design14 June 2023A platform matches a unit-mass of sellers, each owning a single product of heterogeneous quality,...
Learning-based Model Predictive Control with closed-loop guarantees9 June 2023The performance of model predictive control (MPC) largely depends on the accuracy of the prediction...
Integration of numerical homogenization and finite element analysis for topological optimization of 3D printed devices7 June 2023Innovative materials have been developed to imitate the strong and lightweight properties found in...
The 'Flying Man' in Avicenna's Treatise 'The Easterners': A Classic of 'Western' Philosophy6 June 2023The thought experiment of the Flying Man, which Avicenna (d. 1037 CE) develops in several works, is...