Optimal Observability in POMDPs12 October 2023Decision-making agents are often faced with uncertainty about their current state or their...
Firm Export Dynamics in Interdependent Markets4 October 2023We estimate a model of firm export dynamics featuring cross-country complementarities. The firm...
UniPI research activities on thermal machines and energy systems: multi-energy systems optimal design and operation3 October 2023At first an overview of the University of Pisa research activities in the field of thermal machines...
Cautious-by-design motion planning. The role of prediction28 September 2023Safety of passengers and surrounding road users is the most important challenge in the design and...
What we can learn from the structure of biological systems27 September 2023Biological systems can be seen as dynamical networks, i.e. dynamical systems that are naturally...
Neural oscillations and speech, a working model and the available evidence26 September 2023Cortical oscillations phase-align to the quasi-rhythmic structure of the speech envelope. This...
Two kings and their courts in Afghanistan and Iran in the 18th century:25 September 2023A Comparison of the Royal Decrees of Ahmad Durrani and Nadir Shah Afshar in Terms of Structure,...
Visual-vestibular brain networks for self-motion perception in the human brain25 September 2023Self-motion perception describes the sensation of head or body movements in space. It is one of the...
Social networks in animal societies: a step forward in understanding the effects of human pressures on wildlife with limited sample size availability22 September 2023The increase in anthropogenic footprint on both urban and non-urban settings has significant...
Innovation, Income Inequalities and Public Policies20 September 2023Innovation fosters economic growth and the performance of national systems. At the same time,...