Science, rationality, and intellectual humility: theoretical and experimental perspectives

Titolo in italiano: Scienza, razionalità e umiltà intellettuale: approcci teorici e sperimentali

1 Research Collaborator position
(Deadline July 8th, 2024 13:00 )


Philosophy of Science, Formal Epistemology, Decision Theory, Logic, Cognitive Science, Philosophy of Medicine, Moral philosophy



One research collaborator position in the field of logic and philosophy of science or cognitive science, for a period of one year, renewable for one more year. Candidates must hold a PhD degree in logic, philosophy or cognitive science, or provide clear evidence of obtaining it in the next months. They should have a track record of publishing in English and be able to demonstrate their research excellence and their ability to work in an interdisciplinary environment (including cognitive scientists, neuroscientists, economists, and computer scientists among others). Familiarity with formal and/or quantitative and/or experimental methods is a welcome plus.




The successful candidate will join the “Models, Inferences, and Decisions” (MInD) research group of the MoMiLab research unit at the IMT School, under the supervision of Prof. Gustavo Cevolani. The researcher will develop an original research project and collaborate on the "Boosting intellectual humility to improve science communication" project, funded by the John Templeton Foundation and coordinated by Prof. Cevolani. This implies working with other project members on a regular basis and contribute to the common research activities, such as writing paper, organizing scientific events, and helping with the project management. There are no teaching obligations.

Formal requirements


  • PhD in Philosophy, Logic, Cognitive Science or equivalent foreign qualification in subjects related to the subject of the call for applications (Compulsory before the date of appointment; the doctoral degree must be obtained by 30 September 2024);
  • Good knowledge of both spoken and written English;



1 year, renewable

Gross amount

€ 24.321,00 per year


PHIL-02/A Logic and Philosophy of Science


Progetto di ricerca “Boosting intellectual humility to improvescience communication in healthcare” - SP00015531-15 (P0315 – CUP: D67G23000310005)

Job Research Area: 
Job Research Unit: 
Job Contract Type: 
Assegno di ricerca
Full call


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Apply ONLINE only.
Before starting prepare the application attachments and information as listed below.


  • Personal info and contact info (compulsory)
  • Number of your Identity Document (Passport or Identity Card) (compulsory)
  • University degree and ongoing PhD (compulsory)


  • Your CV in English (compulsory)