Competitive procedure for the development of fundamental research activities under the Italian Science Fund
Italian Ministry of University and Research DD 1236 of 01.08.2023 - Deadline November 9, 2023
Area of Research: all research areas relating to the macro-sectors and the scientific disciplinary sector as defined by the ERC
Funding Authority: Italian Ministry of University and Research
Eligibility Requirements: The call is open to researchers of any nationality who may reside in any country in the world at the time of the application wishing to carry out a project with an Italian host institution. Three different funding schemes are proposed:
- a) Starting Grant: research projects conducted by emerging researchers who have obtained their Ph.D. for no less than 2 years and no more than 7 years and have already shown the potential for research independence and evidence of maturity by having produced at least 2 important publications as main author or without the participation of their Ph.D. supervisor. They should also be able to demonstrate a promising track record of early achievements, including significant publications, presentations in well-established international conferences, granted patents, awards, prizes, etc...
- b) Consolidator Grant: research projects conducted by career researchers who intend to consolidate their research autonomy and who have obtained their Ph.D. for no less than 7 years and no more than 12 years and have already shown the potential for research independence and evidence of maturity by having produced at least 2 important publications as main author or without the participation of their Ph.D. supervisor. They should also be able to demonstrate a promising track record of early achievements, including significant publications, presentations in well-established international conferences, granted patents, awards, prizes, etc...
- c) Advanced Grant: Applicants for the Advanced Grant are expected to be active researchers for more then 12 years and who have a track-record of significant research achievements.
The funding that can be granted for each project must be included in the following ranges:
- Starting Grant: between a minimum of 1.2 million euros and a maximum of 1.5 million euros
- Consolidator Grant: between a minimum of 1.5 million euros and a maximum of 2.0 million euros
- Advanced Grant: between a minimum of 2 million euros and a maximum of 2.5 million euros
The proposal must be written in English and consists of 3 parts:
- PART A: administrative data
- PART B: synopsis of the project proposal, curriculum vitae and track record of the PI
- PART C: scientific proposal, detailed economic-financial plan, indications of any ethical aspects related to the project
Applications to participate must also be accompanied by:
- Host Institution Statement of Commitment
- Self-certification regarding the absence of ethical issues and sensitive security issues
NB: until the expiry date it is possible to modify a proposal that has NOT yet been definitively closed.
Italian Fund for the Applied Science FISA
Call for Proposals
Italian Ministry of University and Research DD 1233 of 01.08.2023 - Deadline October 2, 2023
Area of Research: Project proposals of Industrial Research and Experimental Development in any field of science are admitted, provided that they refer to one of the macro areas listed in the annex to the Call, and that has characteristics of originality and innovation close to the market and can at the same time favor socio-economic and industrial developments.
Funding Authority: Italian Ministry of University and Research
Eligibility Requirements: The project proposals can be presented by a natural person (Principal Investigator) jointly with a Host Institution: a legal entity of a public or private legal nature based in Italy, where the Principal Investigator declares to carry out the project activities. The Host Organization must have the qualification of "Company". In addition to the Principal Investigator and the Host Organization, the project proposal must include the participation of a "Research Organization" for a project cost quota not exceeding 20% of the total.
Eligible costs include:
a. the costs of personnel employed by the beneficiary, also with a temporary work contract, or holder of a doctorate scholarship, or research grant, or scholarship, limited to technicians, researchers, and other auxiliary personnel.
b. the costs of tools and equipment to the extent and for the period in which they are used for the project. If the tools and equipment are not used for their entire life cycle for the project, only the depreciation costs corresponding to the duration of the project, calculated according to the principles of good accounting practice, are considered eligible;
c. the costs of technical skills and patents and costs of consultancy services and services used exclusively for the purposes of study and research acquired or obtained under license from external sources at market prices, as part of a transaction carried out at normal market conditions and which does not involve elements of collusion;
d. Overheads deriving from the study and research project, calculated as a lump sum of 25 percent of eligible direct costs;
e. other operating costs, including costs of materials, supplies, and similar products, incurred directly as a result of research and innovation activities. Also included are costs related to open science and communication and dissemination activities and those related to mobility.
Application and Selection Process: Proposals must be submitted using the form on the dedicated portal (new call not yet available!) from 12:00 on September 4, 2023 and by 12.00 on 2 October 2023. Proposals must be written in English.
Link to the Annex to the Call with the Macro Areas of reference
LINK to the Application Portal (New call not yet available)
Competitive procedure for the development of fundamental research activities under the Italian science fund
Italian Ministry of University and Research DD 2281 of 28.09.2021 - Deadline December 27, 2021
Area of Research: all research areas relating to the macro-sectors and the scientific disciplinary sector as defined by the ERC
Funding Authority: Italian Ministry of University and Research
Eligibility Requirements: The call is open to researchers of any nationality who may reside in any country in the world at the time of the application wishing to carry out a project with an Italian host institution. Two different funding schemes are proposed:
- a) Starting Grant: A competitive Starting Grant Principal Investigator must have already shown the potential for research independence and evidence of maturity, by having produced at least 2 important publications as main author or without the participation of their Ph.D. supervisor. They should also be able to demonstrate a promising track record of early achievements, including significant publications, presentations in well-established international conferences, granted patents, awards, prizes, etc...
- b) Advanced Grant: Applicants for the Advanced Grant are expected to be active researchers, with a maximum age of 65, who have a track-record of significant research achievements in the last 10 years.
Global Issue Preventing Pandemics: the Role of Human Environmental Interaction
International Research Project - Deadline November 04, 2021