Lisa Bald

Lisa Bald graduated from Philipps-University Marburg in 2013, earning her First State Exam in History, Mathematics and German; with the intention to become a teacher for Secondary and Upper Secondary Schools. During her studies she was a fellow of the German National Academic Foundation (Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes) and participated in summer academies and intensive language courses, in Germany and abroad.
In 2012 she did an exchange semester at Università degli Studi Roma Tre.

The thesis for her State Exam, supervised by Prof. Eckart Conze in 2012, was titled “Terrorism and counter-terrorism policy in Italy between 1969 and 1982”.

Besides German she is fluent in English, Italian and French, knows Latin and likes picking up languages in contact with persons. She has various interests, and is a team player in sports and beyond.

From February to June 2015 she worked at Aarhus University (DK) as a member of the research group "Modern Europe". From March to May 2016 she stayed for a research visit at King's College London (UK). From November 2016 to April 2017 she held a visiting fellowship at the interdisciplinary research centre SFB/TRR138 "Dynamics of Security" at Gießen/Marburg University (GER).

In July 2017 Lisa defended her PhD Thesis " 'Pubblica Sicurezza' in the European Context - Italy and the Internationalisation of Counterterrorism Policy (1972-1982)", which the Graduation Committee unanimously assessed as "Excellent".



Research Interest

I am interested in security as a political concept, and in the interplay of national and transnational politics. Thus, my current research is on the internationalization of counterterrorism policies in the 1970s. I focus on the Italian case and its role in this process, when a “national” problem required an approach beyond the nation state.
My PhD project aims at an analysis of Italian counterterrorism politics in the years 1972-1982, which in this time evolved from a narrow national policy towards an international policy, cooperating with European and non-European allies. It does so by focusing on mutual transfer processes between Italy and its partners, as well as on the actors of these processes and their backgrounds. I conceive counterterrorism policy as a policy area that interacts with several others, both domestic and international.