Research interests
I am PhD Student in Management and Development of Cultural Heritage, and I am carrying out a research in the field of interaction design applied to museums and cultural sites. My supervisors are Prof. Emanuele Pellegrini (IMT Lucca), dott. Roberto Scopigno (ISTI CNR, Pisa) and Prof. Raffaella Trocchianesi (Politecnico di Milano).
My research interests deal with the design of onsite interactive technologies in museums and cultural heritage sites that have the purpose of enhancing the visitors’ experience of cultural heritage. In particular, my PhD research examines the use of technologies that integrate the material and digital aspects during the visit like tangible interaction and ubiquitous computing (smart objects, smart environments, full body interaction), trying to build up a research and design framework.
My background
With a high school diploma in Computer Science and a Bachelor’s and Master’s Degree in Digital Humanities, during my studies I deepened both the technical and communication aspects of technologies.
In particular, I gained theoretical and practical skills regarding the design, development and usability evaluation of digital interactive products with particular focus on web technologies, and technologies for the creation of 3D and virtual reality applications especially for the communication of cultural heritage.
Various internships or research periods carried out at important research centers in the field of Human-Computer Interaction, Interaction Design and Computer Graphics, have allowed me to consolidate my design and development skills through the collaboration at projects
If you want to know more about me, please visit my linkedin page.