Maria Rosaria Marulli completed her Master’s degree in Civil Engineering in 2017 at Università del Salento in Lecce, Italy.
In May 2021, she obtained her Ph.D. in “Computer Science and Systems Engineering” at IMT School for Advanced Studies Lucca, Italy, discussing the thesis “New methods to assess the performance of structural joints with microstructures.”
She is currently enrolled as Postdoctoral Fellow at IMT School for Advanced Studies Lucca and is part of the Research Unit MUSAM - Multi-Scale Analysis of Materials http://musam.imtlucca.it/.
She has been a visiting student at Universitaet der Bundeswehr Munich, Germany (September 2018, and January 2019) and Universidad de Sevilla, Spain (January-April 2020). Author of articles in ISI journals with international co-authors from Barcelona, Seville, Munich and Kiel, her research topics include:
- Analysis and simulation of complex material surfaces;
- Structural and bio-inspired adhesive;
- Computational approaches for fracture and contact mechanics.
- M. R. Marulli, L. Heepe, S. N. Gorb, and M. Paggi, “A finite element framework for the simulation of bio-inspired adhesives with mushroom-shaped microstructures,” Mech. Res. Commun., vol. 125, no. August, p. 103963, 2022 DOI:10.1016/j.mechrescom.2022.103963.
- M. R. Marulli, A. Valverde-González, A. Quintanas-Corominas, M. Paggi, and J. Reinoso, “A combined phase-field and cohesive zone model approach for crack propagation in layered structures made of nonlinear rubber-like materials,” Comput. Methods Appl. Mech. Eng., vol. 395, p. 115007, May 2022 DOI:10.1016/J.CMA.2022.115007.
- H. Zarei, M. R. Marulli, M. Paggi, R. Pietrogrande, C. Üffing, and P. Weißgraeber, “Adherend surface roughness effect on the mechanical response of silicone-based adhesive joints,” Eng. Fract. Mech., vol. 240, p. 107353, Dec. DOI:10.1016/j.engfracmech.2020.107353.
- H. Zarei, M. R. Marulli, M. Paggi, R. Pietrogrande, C. Üffing, and P. Weißgraeber, “Mechanical characterization and failure modes in the peeling of adhesively bonded strips from a plastic substrate,” Mech. Adv. Mater. Struct., pp. 1–6, Oct. 2020 DOI:10.1080/15376494.2020.1827099.
- J. Bonari, M. R. Marulli, N. Hagmeyer, M. Mayr, A. Popp, and M. Paggi, “A multi-scale FEM-BEM formulation for contact mechanics between rough surfaces,” Comput. Mech., vol. 65, no. 3, pp. 731–749, Mar. 2020 DOI:10.1007/s00466-019-01791-3.
Invited seminars and lectures
- ”Fracture Mechanics of Joints”, Lecturer at NEWFRAC PRO Winter School - NEWFRAC Marie Curie Innovative Training Network, 7-11 February 2022
- "An efficient computational approach for indentation-induced fracture", Invited talk at Northwestern University, 21 October 2022
For updated bibliometric data:
- ORCID profile
- SCOPUS author ID: 57215922167
- Scholar Google profile