Necking of plastic thin-walled tubes10 June 2024Necking localization under quasi–static uniaxial tension is experimentally observed in ductile thin...
Griffith Energy and Gamma-convergence approximation7 June 2024The talk aims to introduce the main variational tools used in linear elasticity. In this talk we...
Feeling touched by emotions7 June 2024Emotions are commonly associated with bodily sensations, even in the way we talk about emotions (e...
Advanced Seminar of the course digital twins for health6 June 2024This advanced lesson delves into the techniques and methodologies for segmenting and reconstructing...
Policy selection in collective action: Wealthy interests and coordination in threshold public goods experiments5 June 2024We introduce preference and endowment heterogeneity into a multiple-threshold public goods...
Believing: Brain Function at the Transition of Awareness3 June 2024Believing is a central brain function of humans. It interacts with other brain functions such as...
Asynchronous optimization through the lens of control theory29 May 2024With the ubiquitous digitalization of society, decision problems are rapidly expanding in size and...
Founding conditions, learning and the survival of productive and unproductive young firms29 May 2024It is well known that the probability of exiting the market decreases with the age of the firm, and...
Ephemeral Exhibition Spaces28 May 2024Cultural chronicles of the 21st Century are filled with major exhibition events, which follow one...
Who's Afraid of Policy Experiments?22 May 2024In many public policy areas, randomized policy experiments can greatly contribute to our knowledge...