Professor of Economics
Director of AXES research unit at IMT Lucca.
He has published, among the others, in Science, PNAS, Nature Reviews, Journal of the European Economic Association, Management Science, Research Policy, Economic Letters, International Journal of Industrial Organization, R&D Management, Health Affairs, Marketing Letters, Health Policy, Small Business Economics, Scientometrics, Physical Review E, New Journal of Physics, Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, World Economics, Nature Scientific Data, Nature Scientific Reports, Europhysics Letters.
He is an author of the "The Rise and Fall of the Firm: A Stochastic Framework on Innovation, Creative Destruction and Growth" (Cambridge University Press) and the EU reports on "Innovation and Industrial Leadership: Lessons from Pharmaceuticals", "Innovation and Competitiveness in European Biotechnology" and on "Medical Devices Competitiveness and Impact on Public Health Expenditure".
His current research focuses on industrial organization, network analysis and the economics of science, with particular reference to the life sciences.