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The c-Frame: a response to the i-Frame/s-Frame controversy

29 gennaio 2025
3:00 pm
On-line seminar

In this talk I will present a critical view on the controversy regarding the promise and limitations of the "nudging" solution, and based on the proposal by Chater and Lowenstein (2023) on the i-frame vs s-frame vies of the problem of public policy, push the discussion further by presenting a complementary model, the c-Frame, as an approach where individual behaviors in interactions within communities and aggregating or scaling-up can produce changes in the s-frame levels. The talk will include examples and potential explanations of how social change from the bottom-up can offer guidelines for public policy, based on behavioral sciences and ethnographic observations of historical cases where the c-frame might have played a role.


Join at: imt.lu/seminar

Juan-Camilo Cardenas, University of Massachusetts Amherst