XFAST-SIMS: Extra fast and accurate simulation of complex structural systems


PRIN 2017

IMT Role: 
da Domenica, 15 settembre, 2019 a Mercoledì, 14 settembre, 2022

In several fields of engineering and technology there is a growing demand of fast and accurate numerical simulations. New industrial and bio-medical products need to be efficiently designed, tested, and certified at different scales. New bio-inspired and engineered materials, conceived to reduce costs or to improve performance, must be evaluated in different working scenarios. The tragic consequences of natural hazards should be reduced by means of accurate predictions of possible interactions with structures and infrastructures. In all these circumstances (just to name a few), numerical simulations are expected to play a fundamental role, despite the complexity of these problems and the limitations of modern computer architectures.

The present project aims at fostering new advancements in the development of modern computational tools to bridge the gap between real-life problems and state-of-the-art engineering approaches.

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