Should forests be restored by polluters or deforesters? An approach based on game theory


Programma Galileo "Bando 2019” - programma di cooperazione scientifica tra Italia e Francia

MIUR, Ministère des Affaires Etrangères et du Développement International e Ministero dell'Istruzione, dell'Università e della Ricerca francese
IMT Role: 
da Martedì, 1 gennaio, 2019 a Giovedì, 31 dicembre, 2020

Both deforestation and pollution are key factors in global climate change. This is because forests are natural pollution sinks able to capture carbon dioxide emissions from the atmosphere and convert them into oxygen, which both humans and animals can breathe safely. Unless proper countermeasures are taken, deforestation represents a big problem for climate: by cutting down forests without replacing the trees that are removed, the absorption efficiency of such carbon sinks is reduced, with possible catastrophic consequences. To counteract these effects, suitable policies are needed, such as reductions in the emission levels, and reforestation.

This project complements the few available attempts in the literature to unify deforestation and pollution issues.

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