Tu sei qui

Chiara Franceschini

Chiara is a Full Professor of Art History at IMT (Professoressa ordinaria di Storia dell’arte moderna) and University Professor for Early Modern Art History at the LMU in Munich (Univ.-Professorin für Kunstgeschichte der Frühen Neuzeit).

With a background in archaeology, art history and early modern history (PhD Scuola Normale Superiore, 2008), Chiara has worked on connections between art, religion, and society as well as on issues of temporality, reuse and geography in early modern art. Her publications focus on Florentine and Roman painting of the Cinquecento, Renaissance and early modern sacred images in Mediterranean Europe (Sacred Images and Normativity, 2021), imaginary confinement and the visual history of the afterlife (Storia del limbo, 2017), private and family chapels (Chapels of the Cinquecento and Seicento in Early Modern Rome, with S. F. Ostrow and P. Tosini, 2020) among other interests. She is currently writing a monograph on art and Inquisition (Archipelagoes of Images, Brepols) and a shorter history of the so-called Devil Crucifixes (I crocifissi del Diavolo, Mauvais Livres).

The recipient of prizes and international grants (including ‘I Tatti Prize’, the Newton International Fellowship from the British Academy, the Fernand Braudel/IFER Fellowship from the FMSH, Paris), she has worked and taught in world-leading research centres specializing in the sciences of culture and images and in the study of the history of art and social history in the UK, France, and USA (the Warburg Institute, the EHESS and the Italian Academy at Columbia University). An intercontinental partnership supported by the LMU and the DAAD has allowed her to start a medium-term collaboration with Waseda University (Tokyo) to work on issues related to early modern contacts, comparisons, and conflicts concerning sacred images between Europe and Japan.

She has been awarded two individual grants from the leading research agency in Europe, the European Research Council, respectively her first ERC-StG SACRIMA, The Normativity of Early Modern Sacred Images (2016-2022) and her current ERC-AdG ARCHIATER, Heritage of Disease: The Art and Architectures of Early Modern Hospitals in European Cities (2024-2029), which she has just started between Lucca and München.

​​​​She coordinates, in collaboration with two colleagues respectively from the Université de Tours and the Università di Genova, a trilateral cooperation supported by the DFG and the Villa Vigoni on "Female Hands: Women Artists on the Threshold of Modernity" (2025-2029).

Chiara is happy to discuss perspective doctoral projects in cultural heritage in her areas of expertise covering the history of art and the visual cultures of late medieval and early modern Italy and Europe in their larger connections, the social history of objects and the history of art history in different media (from writing to photography, via museums).

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