Massimo Vecchio was born in Cassino (FR), Italy, on January 23, 1979.
He received the Ph.D. degree in Computer Science and Engineering (with Doctor Europaeus mention) from IMT Lucca Institute for Advanced Studies and the Laurea degree (Magna cum Laude) in Computer Engineering (curriculum: Robotics and industrial automation) from the University of Pisa in 2009 and 2005, respectively.
After one year and a half of employment as a research engineer at INRIA Saclay (ASAP Research Group), he has joined the Signal Processing in Communications Group in the Department of Signal Theory and Communications, University of Vigo as post-doctoral researcher.
He is also affiliated to the Computational Intelligence Group at the Dipartimento di Ingegneria dell'Informazione, Università di Pisa and a member of IEEE.
You can find out more on Massimo's interests and research output by visiting his personal home page.
Research Interest
Research areas
- Modeling and simulation
- pervasive and distributed systems
- global and stochastic optimization
- bio-inspiration
Current research topics
- Metaheuristic and stochastic methods for wireless sensor nodes self-localization
- Greedy-based mobility strategies for efficient data collection in wireless sensor networks
- Power-aware consensus techniques in wireless sensor networks