15 novembre 2014
Congratulations to Luca Regis, Assistant Professor in the Area of Economics and Institutional Change, who won a two-year grant from the Global Risk Institute in Ontario, Canada, for the project titled "Hedging and risk-return frontier in insurance: an Asset-Liability Management ?ALM) perspective".
Dr. Regis is the unique co-investigator in the project, while the principal Investigator is prof. Elisa Luciano University of Turin - Department of Statistics and Applied Mathematics; International Centre for Economic Research ?ICER); Collegio Carlo Alberto.
ALM in Insurance is a challenging field of research, and the approach adopted in this project is novel, since most of the current literature separates financial and traditional actuarial risks, without considering how the hedging of longevity risk --by absorbing financial resources and changing the liabilities mix-- affects asset management choices and, ultimately, exposure to financial risks.